Abgelehnt von seinem besten Freund und der Frau, die er für sich haben wollte, ist der sexy Alphamann Lucas auf einem dunklen Weg zur Selbstzerstörung. Kann die saphiräugige Scarlett ihn von dieser Qual...
Gabriel Thorne's in trouble. One look at curvy Cassie and he fights a war with himself, determined to resist her. It's for her own good, or that's what he's telling himself because he wants her with a...
Okay, d'accordo, forse il sexy Gavin Beran qualche problemuccio ce l'ha. Gli piace correre dietro alle donne con problemi, arrivare sul suo bel cavallo bianco e risolvere la situazione. Lui è ben conscio...
Brooding and stubborn, Asher Ellison will sacrifice everything to protect the one woman meant to be his, even if he has to walk away. Claiming his soul mate would place her life in mortal danger, and...
Brawny Alpha bear Luke knows destiny when he sees it. When word spreads that all eligible bears must take mates before the year is out, Luke's mind goes right to Aubrey Umbridge, aka the one who got away....
Josiah Beran en a assez de ses grands gaillards turbulents de fils. Tous les six sont grands, costauds et virils, mais aucun d'eux n'a jamais ne serait-ce qu'envisagé de s'installer avec une partenaire....
La calda e sensuale New Orleans è l'ultimo posto dove un orso mannaro venuto dalla Scozia vorrebbe trovarsi. Rhys Macaulay ha già abbastanza grattacapi mentre prova ad abituarsi alla sua nuova vita da...
Powerful voodoo queens and kings, swaggering alpha male bear and dragon shifters, witches with untold and undiscovered powers, all under the sultry bayou moon.... 6 amazing love stories that will leave...
Potenti regine voodoo e re voodoo, spavaldo maschio alfa orso e drago mutaforma, streghe con poteri sconosciuti e sconosciuti, il tutto sotto l'afosa luna di bayou..... E 6 incredibili storie d'amore...
Smoldering, sexy Finn Beran has always been in someone's shadow. With five outspoken, swaggering brothers, soft-spoken, level-headed Finn has often been left in the dust. When his brother Wyatt calls...
Gabriel Thorne è nei guai. Gli basta posare gli occhi sul corpo sinuoso di Cassie per scatenare una guerra contro sé stesso: vuole resisterle a tutti i costi. È per il bene della ragazza, o almeno è questo...
When globe-trotting Alpha werebear Noah returns to the States to obey his father's summons, the last thing he wants to deal with is tension from his identical twin brother Finn. Unfortunately they quickly...
Die hübsche Werwölfin Aurelia hat ein Problem: eben wurde sie von einem sexy Wolf gerettet, dessen Großzügigkeit kaum Grenzen kennt und irgendwie ist es doch nicht genug. Als Alphaboss Lucas auf Geschäftsreise...
Sexy Finn Beran steht immer im Schatten anderer. Mit fünf forschen, draufgängerischen Brüdern gerät der sanfte, zielstrebige Finn oftmals in den Hintergrund. Als sein Bruder Wyatt ihn anruft und ihn...
Bad boy ex-soldier Garrett Kiern has a big problem: the woman he loves has promised herself to another werewolf, and it's a deal she can't escape without grave penalties.When Kiley shows up on his doorstep...
Hot, sultry New Orleans is the last place a Scottish werebear wants to be. Rhys Macaulay has enough trouble already, adjusting to his new role as an Alpha Guardian. He doesn't need another distraction,...
Testardo e meditabondo, Asher Ellison si trova a dover sacrificare ogni cosa per proteggere la sua donna, anche se questo vuol dire andarsene per sempre. Rivendicare la sua anima gemella significherebbe...
Cameron Beran, le play-boy sexy mais blasé, a un secret. Tout le monde s'imagine qu'il a la vie facile, qu'il n'envisage pas sérieusement de se caser ou de trouver une partenaire. En réalité, il attend...
Asher Ellison, in sich gekehrt und stur, opferte einst alles, um die eine Frau zu beschützen, die für ihn bestimmt ist. Er kehrte ihr sogar den Rücken, weil es notwendig war. Anspruch auf seine Seelengefährtin...
Reclusive billionaire Lucas needs a pack. His wolf demands he claim all he deserves: power; prestige; and the hot-blooded female wolf who has become his obsession. There's only one female good enough...
Meet these smoking-hot alpha males, werewolves determined to pursue the females that drive them wild. Lucas needs a mate. Ben needs Aurelia. Walker can't resist Ella. Pulsing with action, in and out of...
Walker Black, potente miliardario, ormai non ha più tempo. La sua missione è di salvare una bellissima femmina di lupo da un malvagio gruppo di trafficanti di essere umani. Ha poche ore per infiltrarsi...
Josiah Beran è stufo marcio dei suoi figli. Sei uomini grandi, grossi e virili che non hanno mai preso in considerazione l'eventualità di trovarsi una compagna. Per come la vede Josiah, gli uomini Beran...
Ultimate bad boy Wyatt Beran has worked hard for his hard-partying, womanizing reputation. After years of living on the edge, his life is irrevocably changed when he begins to dream of the future, especially...
Des reines et des rois vaudous puissants, des mâle alpha fanfarons d'ours et de dragons, des sorcières aux pouvoirs indicibles et non découverts, tout cela sous la lune du bayou.... 6 histoires d'amour...
Sexy, listless playboy Cameron Beran has a secret. Everyone assumes that things just come easily to him, that he's not serious about settling down or finding a mate. In truth, he's just been waiting for...
Evil hangs over New Orleans, and the white witch, Sophie, is determined to protect her city...and take vengeance for the hurt done to someone she loves. Nothing will stop her from seeking revenge, not...
Der starke Alpha Bär Luke erkannte sein Schicksal, als er es sah. Als die Nachricht sich verbreitete, dass alle heiratswürdigen Bären Partner finden müssen, ehe das Jahr um ist, gingen Lukes Gedanken...
Yeah, okay, so maybe sexy Gavin Beran has a little bit of a problem. He likes to pursue women who need "fixing", ride in on his white horse and save the day. He's well aware of his savior complex, as...
How much can he sacrifice to save the one woman destined to be his? Even a dragon has his limits...Dragon shifter Aeric is troubled. Not because the woman who holds his heart also haunts his dreams. But...
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