Ver todos los libros de Keith West

Keith West - Libros y biografía

Keith West has been a fan of the science fiction, fantasy, mystery, horror, and adventures genres for more years than he’s willing to admit. By day he teaches impressionable young people his bad habits (of which there are many) and by night he tells lies for fun and profit (more fun than profit). He commits day-jobbery in the field of Physics, where in addition to teaching he occasionally writes cross genre documents known as grant proposals consisting of science fiction (the proposal), fantasy (the budget), and horror (the reviewers’ comments). He and his wife make their home in West Texas with their son (adopted from Kazakhstan) and two dogs (adopted from the animal shelter). He denies he is addicted to using parentheses.

Keith can be found online at: and @AdvntrsFntastc.

StoryHack Action & Adventure

Aiming for

Más leídos del autor

Progress in Writing and Grammar eBook 1

Progress in Writing and Grammar eBook 1

Publicado el 28 de abril de 2020
8,50 €
IVA incluido
Help your students make good progress in Key Stage 3 English with our popular series, now updated for the new curriculum. The Aiming for series provides targeted support for all ability levels to help every student move forward from their achievement at Key Stage 2 towards... Más información

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