Ver todos los libros de Kelsey Aida Roualdes

Kelsey Aida Roualdes - Libros y biografía

Kelsey Aida Roualdes is a next generation thought leader who has helped hundreds of thousands of people own their power and win at life through her inspirational blog, books, courses, and retreats. She’s the author of #ActuallyICan: The Art of Affirming Yourself to Greatness and cohost of the popular self-development podcast High Vibin’ It. Her mission is to empower people to step into their greatness with the same actionable inspiration that helped her beat depression and become one of the most fulfilled people she knows. To find out more about Kelsey (@KelseyAida) and her work, visit

My Pocket Gift Book Series

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“This little book crams a lot of info into this pocket-sized package!” —Us WeeklySet intentions, visualize your future, and turn your dreams into reality, anytime, anywhere with this perfectly portable pocket guide to manifesting, including 90+ easy activities you can do on the go.Attract... Más información

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