Pantalla :
It remained a mystery to him that a daughter of Oscar Balfour could utterly lack glitter and polish… The Balfour girls are glitzy, glamorous and gorgeous – except Sophie...
The innocent’s awakening… Set up against her will as a potential Arabian queen for the notorious Sheikh Karim, unworldly Eva has a plan to deter the desert King. She will convince...
Imprisoned with the Italian! Poppy lost her heart – and her reputation – to the dangerously suave Luca Ranieri. Only to be crushed by a whirlwind of scandal when aristocratic Luca...
Twelve years ago, Becca Danvers had offered herself to bad boy Colt Bonner, eager for him to rescue her from life under her mother's roof. But Colt had plans of his own, and playing...
Rafiq Al Kamil, heir to the desert kingdom of Zatara, thinks innocent Gabby will be the perfect convenient wife for his brother. But Gabby isn't as biddable as she first seems…. Now...
Josh Prentice has a broken heart, and there's only one way to mend it: revenge! He plans to seduce Flora, and then jilt her. But he hadn't expected to find it so hard to walk away…. Locked into...
When Ethan Kemp proposed to Hannah, the whole world was shocked, including Hannah! She was out of his league, everyone said so. Ethan was a man of the world, and she was his unsophisticated nanny…...
Drew Cummings more than lived up to his reputation for being incredibly sexy. He' d misjudged Eve, though, believing her to be a calculating gold digger chasing after his wealthy nephew… . So...
Just in time for Christmas, a tall, dark and handsome Scrooge visits Holly Stanwyck’s holiday shop, threatening eviction. But once landlord Ethan Pelligrino sees the single mom’s plight, the former soldier...
Denne bog udtrykker 10 år af mit arbejdsliv på CBS, nærmere bestemt som underviser, vejleder og øvelseslærer på kombinationslinjen; filosofi og økonomi (FLØK). Samtidig udtrykker den min store interesse...
Denne bog indeholder en lang række artikler, tanker og metodiske udkast samt findings i mit unge forsker-liv i perioden 2006-2012. Læseren vil kunne læse om coaching, ledelse og filosofiske refleksioner...
Afhandlingen undersøger i hvilken udstrækning forskellige former for filosofisk tænkning kan gøre sig gældende og gør sig gældende indenfor coachpraktikken, og udforsker hvordan filosofisk tænkning desuden...
Die 21jährige Jessica ist sexuell sehr interessiert. Nach ein paar Typen in ihrem Alter sucht Jazz, wie sie mit Kosenamen heißt, nach dem ultimativen Kick. Erlaubt ist alles, was Spaß macht. So stolpert...
Auge in Auge mit dem Tod beginnt sein Leben. Während der Verfolgungsjagd seiner Eltern durch die Rotterbande gebärt die Mutter in einer kurzen Verschnaufpause ihren Sohn. Die Feinde rücken näher, die...
Afhandlingen undersøger et hypermoderne og populært fænomen; coaching indenfor tre rammer; kontrolsamfundets kapitaldrevne orden, som et organiseringsprincip (i en organisatorisk kontekst) og som en ledelsesdisciplinering....
Disse ledelsesfilosofiske arbejdspapirer angiver en periode i mit unge forsker og filosof-liv, nemlig perioden (1999-2003), hvor jeg bl.a. arbejdede på Institut for Ledelse, Politik og Filosofi (CBS)...
Bogen kredser om livets boksekampe, om at komme op på hesten igen og om at være i vadestedet; om hjemkomsten, de familiære kortslutninger og de nye forbindelser, om kosmisk kapitalisme og mismodig lyst...
Denne mindre manual handler om at føre dig hen til at begynde din meningsfulde rejse. Den handler om at hjælpe dig til at passe godt på dit liv, og fortæller dig, hvordan du bedst muligt kan hjælpe dig...
Denne bog handler om coaching og protreptik fra filosofiske perspektiver, hvorved Aristoteles, Kant, Kierkegaard samt Heidegger spiller centrale roller som dialogiske inspirationer. Men også Nietzsche,...
Denne bog er den første i en række på tre bind, som alle kredser om 'det regenerative'. I en tid med mange forstyrrelser, kriser og stor ængstelighed, søges der nærmere afklaring af, hvordan 'det regenerative'...
World War II is over at last, and the pier amusement park at Buckeye Lake, the "Playground of Ohio," is lit up, loud, and ready to welcome a summer of better days. The energy of dance hall and roller...
Obey is a collection of 3 erotic fantasies where the author wish to divert from the norm of sexual play in a established relationship. Its written to inspire and to give the reader a short energetic injection...
Would you enjoy standing by the side of the street in nothing but a body suit, or to lie on a nude beach with a sex-toy in control of your arousal, or to be woken up by hard spank? How would you like...
Stan Bubbles was content in life. He had been working as an Emergency Room doctor for ten years now, safe from the insanities of his family. But, you never expect the worst to happen, do you?Join Stan...
War is coming. The outcome hinges on one artifact.Lucas Maynard is cadre in service to House Trelane. He has one mission—locate an ancient book or find the curator who hid it. His secret task could bring...
Hermed foreligger Kim Gørtz' æstetiske produktioner i én samlet udgivelse. De kredser alle om udforskningen af tilværelsen, sprogliggørelsen heraf, figurer og karakterer, stil, form, udtryk og grænser....
"Dear Reader,This and the following works are my account of the History of the world known as Nungai. My time runs short now, as the glorious universe is coming to its' close, so I finally take up a pen...
Crime doesn't pay, or does it? A tale set in the East End of London and spanning over half a century. An unwanted pregnancy, a forced adoption, a life of crime, murders and complete and total loss is...
A unicorn walks into a bar…it's cheaper than therapy.Therapy, you say? Sign up Marly, the angry ex-Unseelie-fae-queen. Or how about Sasha, the bitter exiled-Unseelie-fae-king? And definitely Ruby, the...
The first four of seven books begin with Matthias Callaghan waking up from a coma only to learn that, by mistake, his identity has been stolen from him. When Callaghan learns he truth behind his fate,...
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