Ver todos los libros de Kirsty F. McKay

Kirsty F. McKay - Libros y biografía

Kirsty McKay, born in Middlesbrough in 1976, is an author driven by a lifelong passion for writing. From a young age, she immersed herself in the world of books, frequenting the library every week and devouring stories from various genres. While she appreciates all types of literature, Kirsty's heart lies in the realms of fantasy and the paranormal, where her imagination soars.

With a loving marriage spanning twenty seven years, Kirsty is the proud parent of three children and dotes on her four grandchildren.

Kirsty's writing journey took flight when she joined a writing development group, igniting her creative spark. After the publication of her first book, The Veils Of Valoria, The Chronicles of Morvantia Series, she founded The Book Dragon, a platform dedicated to self-published and independently published authors. Fuelled by her frustration of the lack of support for self-published and indie authors, Kirsty is passionate about nurturing fellow writers and helping them achieve their dreams, while keeping hope aflame. Since its inception on 4 July 2022, The Book Dragon has grown into an award-winning business, fostering a supportive community, and providing abundant opportunities.

Despite managing Fibromyalgia and Osteoarthritis, Kirsty seamlessly weaves her disability into her work, thanks to the unwavering support of her family.

Kirsty is a Reiki Practitioner and a Crystal therapist. Grounded in her Pagan philosophy, Kirsty embraces values and practices that resonate with her core beliefs, drawing upon her clairvoyant abilities in her healing work.

In her spiritual journey, Kirsty finds guidance from her Spirit Guide, Charles, who she lovingly describes as a young Mel Gibson lookalike, and who was an American Quaker in the 1600's that she was married to in a previous life. She also connect with Jack, a loveable scoundrel, and a renowned Galleon Sea Captain in his time, who playfully teases Kirsty about her distinct lack of sea legs.

Kirsty's life is a tapestry woven with creativity, compassion, and unwavering dedication to empowering others through her words and actions.

The Morvantia Chronicles

Más leídos del autor

Guardians of Valoria

Guardians of Valoria

Publicado el 24 de mayo de 2024
4,99 €
IVA incluido
In the gripping tale of "Guardians of Valoria" by Kirsty F. McKay, darkness looms as Bessie vanishes without a trace, leaving warlock Kane and the Fallen in relentless pursuit. Time slips through Finn's and Rowan's fingers as they desperately race to locate the elusive amulet, the... Más información

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