Kristen Arnett is the New York Times bestselling author of the debut novel Mostly Dead Things. She is a queer fiction and essay writer. She was awarded Ninth Letter's Literary Award in Fiction and is a columnist for Literary Hub. Her work has appeared at the New York Times, North American Review, The Normal School, Gulf Coast, TriQuarterly, Guernica, Buzzfeed, Electric Literature, McSweeneys, PBS Newshour, Bennington Review, the Guardian, Salon, the Rumpus, and elsewhere. Her story collection, Felt in the Jaw, was published by Split Lip Press and was awarded the 2017 Coil Book Award. She is a Spring 2020 Shearing Fellow at Black Mountain Institute. You can find her on Twitter here: @Kristen_Arnett
CONSIDERADO UM DOS MELHORES LIVROS DO ANO SEGUNDO WASHINGTON POST, VOGUE, MARIE CLAIRE E READER'S DIGESTSendo sincera, Sammie Lucas tem medo do filho. Trabalhando de casa, ela vive constantemente de olho em Samson, um garoto introspectivo, enigmático e incontrolável que resiste qualquer...
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