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"A Bevy of Girls" by L. T. Meade is a charming novel that follows the lives of a diverse group of young girls as they navigate the challenges and adventures of girlhood. Set in a boarding school, the...
"A World of Girls: The Story of a School" by L. T. Meade is a captivating tale that revolves around a group of diverse girls attending a boarding school. As they navigate the challenges of school life,...
"Wild Heather" by L. T. Meade is a captivating tale of Heather Grahame, a spirited young woman who embraces the rugged beauty of the Scottish moors. Heather's life takes a dramatic turn when she inherits...
"A Girl of the People" by L. T. Meade follows the life of Mollie Maxwell, a spirited and compassionate young woman from a working-class background. Despite facing societal challenges, Mollie's determination...
"Jill: A Flower Girl" by L. T. Meade is a heartwarming story that follows the adventures of young Jill, a spirited flower girl. Set in the charming English countryside, Jill's encounters with nature,...
"A Life For a Love" by L. T. Meade tells the poignant story of sacrifice and devotion. When two women, one from a privileged background and the other from a life of poverty, fall in love with the same...
"A Plucky Girl" by L. T. Meade follows the journey of a young, spirited girl named Madge. Despite facing adversity and hardships, she demonstrates resilience and pluckiness as she strives to achieve her...
"Red Rose and Tiger Lily: In a Wider World" by L. T. Meade continues the story of two young women, Rose and Lily, as they venture beyond their small village to explore life's challenges and opportunities....
"Betty Vivian: A Story of Haddo Court School" by L. T. Meade follows the adventures of Betty Vivian at an all-girls' boarding school. Betty's lively spirit and determination lead to both challenges and...
"Polly: A New-Fashioned Girl" by L. T. Meade follows the adventures of Polly, a spirited and independent young woman. When her wealthy aunt offers her a chance at a glamorous life, Polly faces the challenges...
"The Time of Roses" by L. T. Meade is a heartwarming story of friendship and personal growth. Set in a charming English village, it follows the lives of several young women as they navigate the complexities...
"The Palace Beautiful: A Story for Girls" by L. T. Meade follows the lives of two sisters, Joy and Maude, who embark on a journey of self-discovery. When they move to a new home called the Palace Beautiful,...
"A Sweet Girl Graduate" by L. T. Meade follows the journey of a young woman named Winifred who, despite societal expectations, pursues higher education. With determination, she navigates academic challenges,...
"Good Luck" by L. T. Meade is a delightful story of a young girl's journey through life's ups and downs. With determination and a positive outlook, she faces challenges, makes new friends, and discovers...
"A Modern Tomboy: A Story for Girls" by L. T. Meade follows the adventurous and spirited life of Phil, a tomboyish girl with a love for sports and outdoor activities. Her unconventional pursuits challenge...
"The Girls of St. Wode's" by L. T. Meade is a captivating tale set in an all-girls boarding school. Follow the adventures, friendships, and challenges of the young students as they navigate academic life...
"A Girl of High Adventure" by L. T. Meade follows the thrilling journey of a courageous young woman who defies societal norms to pursue her dreams. Faced with challenges, she embarks on daring adventures,...
A Girl of the People written by a prolific writer of girls' stories L. T. Meade. This book is one of many works by her. Published in 1890. And now republish in ebook format. We believe this work is culturally...
“And how is she to-day, Nan?” said the kindly voice of Mrs. Richmond. The time was early spring. The lady in question had come into a dark and somewhat dismal room; she herself was richly wrapped in furs...
The Cat Who Caught a Killer by L T Shearer is a charming cosy crime read, set in West London, for fans of Richard Osman’s The Thursday Murder Club and S. J. Bennett’s The Windsor Knot.'Charming and original....
'A terrific read - murder, arson and a cat who is so much more than he seems!' – J. M. Hall, author of A Spoonful of MurderThe Cat Who Solved Three Murders by L T Shearer is a charming cosy crime read...
In the shadow of looming darkness, the kingdom of Alordia stands on the brink of war. Led by the stalwart King Darvius Ironheart and his courageous companions, including the wizard Gladralph, the sharp-eyed...
In the mystical realm of Tribalia, where noble houses vie for power and dark forces lurk in the shadows, the Throne Games series unfolds a tale of treachery, betrayal, and the relentless pursuit of power. In...
In the electrifying debut of the Games of Phones series, Wall Street's power players are thrust into a high-stakes game where every move could mean life or death. As Ed Starkey, a rising star in the cutthroat...
In this inspiring book, learn to know Jesus more deeply by exploring twelve questions He uses to bring us closer to Him.There is an incredible truth about the nature of Christ: the Son of God is a curious...
Robert Eustace was the pen name of Eustace Robert Barton (1854–1943), an English doctor and author of mystery and crime fiction with a theme of scientific innovation. He also wrote as Eustace Robert Rawlings....
In 'A Master of Mysteries,' readers are presented with a captivating anthology that traverses the shadowy corners of mystery and suspense literature, masterfully curated by L. T. Meade and Robert Eustace....
At the heart of 'Madam Sara' lies a compelling anthology that marries the intrigue of detective fiction with the nuanced depth of character study, hallmarking a distinctive place within the literary landscape...
Os integrantes desta coletânea em seus textos, predominantemente, ensaísticos, refletem em que medida as artes e a literatura contribuíram, de fato, para suas respectivas formações em todos os graus...
Libro 2 de la serie de libros adicionales de Los Carrero. Extras adicionales de la serie Los Carrero. Capítulos solicitados por los fnáticos no solo desde el punto de vista de Arrick Carrero, sino también...
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