Pantalla :
Après la perte tragique de son époux, Annabelle ne sait plus comment reprendre le contrôle de sa vie. Malgré la dépression sévère dont elle peine à émerger, elle tente de faire bonne figure pour sa fille.Mais...
"Whatever is natural is wrong," was for centuries the shibboleth of our spiritual taskmasters, and that doctrine has borne its fruit in the reckless disregard of our natural intuitions. The shocking taste...
Je voudrais partager avec mes lecteurs un programme politique expliquant qu’il n’y a qu’un seul chemin pour construire nos pays africains et y être prospère : il s’agit d’inclure toute la population active...
Un retour de vacances mouvementé plonge Lucie dans les tumultes d’une rupture amoureuse qu’elle n’a pas vue venir. Elle ne dort plus, ne mange plus, elle s’éteint. En pleine introspection, elle se sent...
Em 1900, chegava pela primeira vez às mãos dos leitores este grande clássico da literatura infantil americana, que desde então ganhou incontáveis adaptações e traduções ao redor do mundo. Quando um ciclone...
Aislin Ballard and her companions journey south in pursuit of the man behind the assault on her home town. Together, they must cross dangerous desert lands, brave bizarre magic and avoid clashing armies...
With Fairloch safe from the villains who sought to wrest power from the royal family, the resources of the city are diverted to a last-ditch effort to find a way to stop their implacable foe. Slow progress...
Throughout history, kingdoms have fallen and entire cities have been destroyed under mysterious circumstances, all traces of their existence burned away. Good men are turned into villains, starting wars...
Fuyant un mage et un terrible léox, la mystérieuse Shymeeh et sa marraine révèlent des pouvoirs étonnants. Yorub le chasseur est amené à les défendre. La bataille est incertaine mais les sortilèges en...
Two years have passed since the narrow victory at Fort Highmarch, and Aiden Wainwright now commands the rebuilt fortress as Baron of Highmarch. But he finds himself helping to perpetuate a war against...
Aspiring adventurers Aiden Wainwright and Pacian Savidge are tasked with tracking down an obscure relic, said to be capable of banishing the Kingdom's greatest enemy once and for all. But the two friends...
From the author of The World Needs More Poets, comes a second collection of poetry about the sometimes mundane, trivial, dramatic, yet valid feelings we have when reflecting on the relationship we have...
Chaque année, des centaines de milliers de personnes en France sont atteintes d'une maladie grave (cancer, AVC, crise cardiaque, ...) qui vient interrompre brutalement leur trajectoire professionnelle....
O que se passa nas salas de aula de hoje?«É sempre bom conversar e debater educação. E muito melhor quando esse debate é sereno, sem deixar de ser apaixonado, fundamentado em ideias e não em insultos....
Join Anne as she waves goodbye to childhood in pursuit of new experiences in the third book in the hugely popular children's series ´Anne of Green Gables´. Anne is eighteen and fulfilling her life's dream...
Chaque tempête a une origine, et chaque monstre est à l’origine une victime, ou du moins un innocent. Surgia a-t-elle mérité les malheurs qui l’ont transformée ?Un viol, une agression, un déni de justice......
A forty something home organizer with ADHD has no choice but to return to her bizarre childhood home after her life falls apart in this enchanting series by USA Today bestselling author Jennifer L. Hart.This...
Cyriakos, un roi désireux de dominer les terres grecques à tout prix, blasphème sans cesse les dieux et les déesses. Il condamne toutes celles et ceux qui lui résistent, menant à des guerres à travers...
This e-book is your roadmap to embarking on a rewarding career as a professional truck driver. From practical advice on entering the industry to an overview of the unique benefits it offers, Go Forth...
A mysterious illness casts a haunting veil over the residents of Shadow Cove. Hallucinations grip the mountain town, but it's the twin sister witches, Bella and Donna, who must discover the key to the...
Quando sono arrivata a Woodhills tre mesi fa, non mi sarei mai aspettata di dover affrontare un altro volto del mio essere. Non sapevo che questa città sarebbe stata la mia eredità; di certo, non mi aspettavo...
Una piccola città nel nord degli Stati Uniti ha governato i racconti di tutta la mia infanzia, anche se adesso mi sembra un lontano ricordo. Woodhills. Un buco sperduto nel nulla dove sono nata e dove...
It's 1966 in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio and teenager Arthur Earsterdrak is looking forward to the start of his senior year, until everything changes one fateful night when his sister is possessed by something...
The Design Museum brings you fifty typefaces that changed the world we live in!The digital revolution has made typesetters of us all as we define our identities through the typefaces we choose to communicate...
Everyone from the pharaohs to Freud has had something to say about dreams. Used for both prophecy and psychoanalysis, they serve as a doorway to the soul and a window to the subconscious.We are, after...
Bloodied bodies littered the floor of the warehouse and the sands of the beach along the quiet shore of Lake Erie. The Shadows' invasion stopped and their human followers defeated. Their portal to Earth...
'Arclight will keep you up all night, if you dare to stay awake.' – Pittacus Lore, author of New York Times best-seller I am Number Four. No one is safe when the lights go out – a...
'Arclight will keep you up all night, if you dare to stay awake.' – Pittacus Lore, author of New York Times best-seller I am Number Four. An intense, action-packed page-turner...
"Where Mangoes Fall" unfolds the captivating journey of Ama, a young girl growing up in Paraguay, the heart of South America. Ama loves the legends of Paraguay and is sure that a mythical pombero saved...
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