Pantalla :
Les stalles de la cathédrale de Séez font partie de ces morceaux intéressants de la menuiserie d’art, qui a produit chez nous de véritables merveilles. Le dossier en est travaillé avec assez de richesse...
Pour échapper à la mort, quatre adolescents dotés de pouvoirs doivent se rendre dans un monde parallèle où ils apprennent être les élus d’une prophétie. Mais ni l’impératrice ni son ennemie, Mavëa – la...
La souffrance des uns ne peut exister en dehors du regard des autres.Des portes closes, des greniers cadenassés, des coups que l’on étouffe, des cris que l’on muselle, des existences que l’on nie. C’est...
► Résumé : Alors que l’été s’est confortablement installé, Sarah décide d’entraîner sa compagne sur les routes de son passé en s’installant quelques jours chez sa mère. Mais à peine arrivées, la tension...
C’est le diagnostic d’une tumeur qui interrompt avec brutalité la vie familiale et professionnelle de Jo. L. Il doit quitter son quotidien africain pour gagner le deuxième sous-sol du service oncologique...
Chip, ouvrier nomade, aime plus que tout sa liberté. Il se balade de chantier en chantier, une maison à la fois, empilant dans son pick-up rencontres et souvenirs. Jamais, jamais il ne regarde ou ne revient...
L'érotisme selon L.I.
Tendo entrado em coma em consequência de um atropelamento, o diplomata aposentado Hector acorda em outro corpo: um corpo jovem e feminino. Após semanas de angústia, ele vê que o caminho é sem volta, toma...
In "Queen Hortense: A Life Picture of the Napoleonic Era," L. Mühlbach masterfully intertwines the personal and political in a vivid portrayal of Hortense de Beauharnais, the stepdaughter of Napoleon...
Esta obra tem o enfoque no aprendizado de maneira prática em AutoCAD que é um software do tipo CAD (computer aided design ou desenho auxiliado por computador) criado e comercializado pela Autodesk, desde...
In "The League of Nations and Its Problems: Three Lectures," L. Oppenheim meticulously examines the foundational principles, challenges, and the consequential impact of the League of Nations, an early...
In "What Necessity Knows," L. Dougall intricately weaves a narrative that reflects on human behavior, necessity, and the underlying motivations that drive our choices. Set against the backdrop of a rapidly...
In "Empress Josephine," L. Mühlbach intricately weaves historical narrative with vivid character exploration, illuminating the life of Josephine Bonaparte, the first wife of Napoleon. The book presents...
In "The Story of Napoleon and Blücher," L. Mühlbach delves into the intricate dynamics between two of history's most formidable military leaders during the Napoleonic Wars. Mühlbach employs a narrative...
In "The Life and Times of Louisa of Prussia," L. Mühlbach masterfully intertwines historical fact and romantic narrative to provide a rich biographical portrayal of one of Prussia's most beloved queens....
Neste segundo volume da trilogia, Érika relata as aventuras que viveu no ano de 2013. Muitas personagens que desfilaram suas alegrias, emoções, angústias e lubricidade em Érika 12 continuam presentes...
In "The Mormon Prophet," L. Dougall presents a thought-provoking exploration of the life and influence of Joseph Smith, the founding figure of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Combining...
In "Queen Hortense: A Life Picture of the Napoleonic Era," L. Mühlbach presents a richly detailed narrative that illuminates the life of Hortense de Beauharnais, the stepdaughter of Napoleon Bonaparte....
In "The Oxford Methodists," L. Tyerman meticulously explores the roots and development of early Methodism as it emerged in Oxford during the 18th century. The book is characterized by its analytical depth,...
In the first volume of her comprehensive biography, "The Life and Times of the Rev. John Wesley, M.A., Founder of the Methodists," L. Tyerman meticulously chronicles the multifaceted life of John Wesley,...
In "The Future of International Law," L. Oppenheim presents a seminal exploration of the evolving landscape of international jurisprudence at the dawn of the 20th century. Employing a clear and analytical...
In "The Youth of the Great Elector," L. Mühlbach artfully weaves a historical narrative set in 17th-century Prussia, focusing on the formative years of Frederick William, known as the Great Elector....
Um jovem príncipe, obrigado e pressionado por forças desconhecidas têm de enfrentar os mistérios de um continente amaldiçoado, porém antes de chegar ao ponto final, ele terá que ligar seus meticulosos...
Mias mias tantos que ouvias disse minhas, nao trabalho ou trabalhando trabalhoso, ex guarita e gostoso dinheiro foda e fogo, muda muita gente muda todos, menos a intensidade da sua mente desgosto, sao...
Na vida profissional, lidar com os desafios diários e com os diferentes comportamentos das pessoas requer habilidades que precisam ser exercitadas constantemente e, praticamente, passamos a vida aprendendo...
What happens under the Mistletoe… You must not flirt with your subordinate. No matter how much you want her curves. Or how deeply you believe that she belongs in your arms. On Emily's last day at the...
One wild night. No strings. Simple, right?I'm just trying to conquer traffic and get home, when I see him. A beautiful stranger sitting in his too-expensive car, slightly buzzed and fresh off the worst...
L archéologie biblique est une branche de l archéologie et des sciences historiques qui vise à sauver le passé, nous donnant la compréhension des faits, les lieux et les gens qui sont vivant à un moment...
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