Pantalla :
Bei jährlich über 3 Milliarden Passagieren interessiert und betrifft Flugsicherheit so viele Menschen wie nur wenige andere Lebensbereiche. Dank technischen Fortschritts ist Fliegen heute eine sichere...
Das Christentum feiert zu Weihnachten in der Geburt von Jesus Christus die Ankunft des Lichtes schlechthin. Die Gedichte und Geschichten führen uns durch die Frohe Zeit und zeigen das Eigentliche von...
Have you heard of the great Forest of Burzee? Nurse used to sing of it when I was a child. She sang of the big tree-trunks, standing close together, with their roots intertwining below the earth and their...
RELIGION, says Noah Webster in his American Dictionary of the English Language, is derived from "Religo, to bind anew;" and, in this History of a False Religion, our author has shown how easily its votaries...
Eines Tages findet der junge "Helles Köpfchen" auf dem Dachboden seines Elternhauses einen alten unscheinbaren Regenschirm. Wie sich bald herausstellt, verfügt dieser über magische Kräfte - er kann fliegen...
Im 13. Band der Oz-Reihe - Die Magie von Oz - freundet sich der rachedurstige Gnomenkönig mit dem jungen Kiki Aru an, der verbotenerweise einen Verwandlungszauber gelernt hat. Gemeinsam wollen sie das...
Die Geschichte um Ally und Gabe geht weiter! Wie soll ein junger Mann die Liebe festhalten, wenn sie bei der ersten Schwierigkeit vor ihm davonläuft? Gibt es die ewige Liebe, die allen Widrigkeiten trotzt?...
In diesem Band sind die 2010 bzw. 2013 erschienenen Gedichtbände »Zwischen Abend und Morgen« und »Des Lebens volles Maß« als Zusammenfassung enthalten. Der Band »Zwischen Abend und Morgen« enthält drei...
Im 10. Band der Oz-Reihe - Rinkitink in Oz - muss sich der junge Prinz Inga auf eine gefährliche Mission aufmachen. Die Insel Pingaree wird von wilden Kriegern aus dem Norden überfallen, die alles verwüsten...
In these lectures an attempt is made, not so much to restate familiar facts, as to accommodate them to new and supplementary evidence which has been published in America since the outbreak of the war....
Unerwartet steht Cory dem Schauspieler Thore gegenüber, dessen Wohnung sie putzt. Seine selbstsichere Art, sowie die Bemühungen, sie ins Bett zu locken, gehen ihr gehörig gegen den Strich. Obwohl sie...
Tall, dark and handsome, Mark’s also one of the finest counterterrorism experts in the world. To uncover a biological weapon he needs no-nonsense agent Beth to seduce the man in possession of it. Yet...
ZEROING IN Months after his wife had been brutally murdered, FBI profiler Alec Blade was on the desperate hunt to bring her murderer to justice. But after setting up residence in...
The next person you trust…may be the last… Lily Andrews was once the most sought-after undercover operative at Unit 67, a Black Ops agency buried deep within the U.S. Intelligence...
Behold the horned demon of the snows... Who calls himself Klittichorn and schemes o destroy all Akahlar. With the power of the changewinds he can control the mighty storms that alter man and creature...
That was the strange message left on Cory Maddox's e-mail - just at the moment when years of work on a revolutionary subspace computer system were about to pay off. Nothing would be the same for Cory...
Paul Carlton Savage died for the first time on July 20, 1969 in Vietnam...and then his troubles really began. Before he knew what hit him, Savage was approached by The Hunter and offered a deal...a deal...
BY A REMARKABLE CANADIAN WRITER. 'The grandmother of the YA/adult crossover novel' JEAN HANNAH EDELSTEIN, GUARDIAN 'Genuinely delightful' INDEPENDENT ON SUNDAY Jane and her mother live in a gloomy old...
THE PHENOMENAL, SPELLBINDING WELL-WORLD SAGA 'I was a beggar who became queen of beggars, a whore when I had to buy the stars I craved...' Volume two finds Mavra Chang, who alone is able to protect...
A powerful and spiritually satisfying novel from a compelling new voice about three courageous women who must confront the harsh realities of their lives through faith and prayer. Pam Lyons has a husband...
First came the tourists...Ondine was a resort planet. Sixteen million tourists travelled there from just about every world you could think of to live and love in sixteen million different ways.Then came...
Originally published in the omnibus Rings, Drunkard's Endgame follows a group of robots who, 1000 years after rebelling against their human masters and fleeing on a starship, are trying to hunt down mankind's...
Entered by a thousand unsuspected gateways - built by a race lost in the clouds of time - Well World transforms creatures of any sort into different forms. So, spacefarer Nathan Brazil is not surprised...
Mervyn, wizard and Fluxlord, leader of the Nine Who Guard, faces the ultimate threat of the opposing Seven Who Wait: the opening of the Hellgates to World. Closed more than two thousand years ago, they...
A mothballed space fleet, the great ships were silent and shut down. Each up to fourteen kilometres long, they had been circling Jupiter in their hundreds for nearly a millennium.To the little band of...
Even before the renegade pirates of the giant spaceship Thunder had collected all five of the rings that would eliminate the threat of Master System forever, Hawks knew that they still faced even greater...
Once thought to be nothing more than diversions for children and nerds, games have become an integral part of everyday life. Educators are trying to make learning more fun by introducing games into the...
BEYOND THE SEA OF DREAMS Life had not been kind to Joe and Marge. Now, according to the strangers who met them on a road that wasn't there, they were due to die in nineteen minutes, eighteen seconds....
After three passengers - Ming, Ari, and Angel - embark on an elite starship journey into the Realm, they unwittingly become ensnared in one man's bloodthirsty vendetta that will alter their very beings....
In this final volume of the Dancing Gods series, Ruddygore and his heroes must face an ancient evil seeping forth from the Sea of Dreams. Long dormant evil is rising to challenge reality as we know it...
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