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In 'Aunt Jane's Nieces out West' by L. Frank Baum, the reader is taken on a literary adventure as the three nieces, Louise, Patsy, and Beth, embark on a trip out West to visit their Uncle John Merrick....
In 'Aunt Jane's Nieces at Millville' by L. Frank Baum, readers are taken on a charming journey following the lives of three orphaned sisters who find themselves inheriting a cotton mill in a small American...
Liebe Leserin, lieber Leser, überzeugt Sie die umgängliche, liebenswürdige, in ihrer Art unübliche lrina? Freuen Sie sich an ihrem Vorgehen unkonventionelle Entscheidungen zu fällen, Unstimmigkeiten...
Von der Philosophie zur handfesten Strategie Sie wollen eine handfeste Strategie entwickeln? Dann müssen Sie dieses Buch lesen. Vladimir L. Kvint beschreibt zu Beginn die philosophischen Wurzeln der...
"Three Girls from School" by L. T. Meade follows the lives of three young girls who share a deep bond of friendship. As they navigate the challenges and adventures of school life, they learn valuable...
"Bashful Fifteen" by L. T. Meade is a captivating story that revolves around the life of young Jenny Fairfax as she navigates the challenges of adolescence. Jenny, at the tender age of fifteen, finds...
"Daddy's Girl" by L. T. Meade is a heartwarming Victorian novel that tells the story of little Nancy Kingsley, who is cherished by her father. When tragedy strikes and Nancy loses her beloved mother,...
"A Girl in Ten Thousand" by L. T. Meade is a captivating Victorian-era novel that follows the life of the spirited and independent Lois Cayley. Orphaned and left in the care of her strict uncle, Lois...
"The Honorable Miss" by L. T. Meade is a captivating tale set in an old-fashioned town. It follows the life of the honorable Miss Victorina Stowe, a woman of noble character and strong principles. In...
"The Rebel of the School" by L. T. Meade is a captivating novel set in a girls' school, where the spirited protagonist, Jean Cameron, challenges the strict rules and norms of the institution. Her fearless...
"The Little Princess of Tower Hill" by L. T. Meade is a heartwarming story set in the charming village of Tower Hill. It revolves around the life of young Rosemary, the beloved little princess of the...
"A Very Naughty Girl" by L. T. Meade is a delightful Victorian-era novel that explores the life and adventures of young Lotty, an unconventional and spirited girl. Raised in a strict and traditional household,...
"Girls of the True Blue" by L. T. Meade is a delightful novel set in a girls' boarding school. It revolves around the lives of a group of spirited young girls, their friendships, and the challenges they...
"A Bevy of Girls" by L. T. Meade is a charming novel that follows the lives of a diverse group of young girls as they navigate the challenges and adventures of girlhood. Set in a boarding school, the...
The first three books in Connie L. Beckett's 'Gwen Lindstrom Mysteries' series, now available in one volume!Poach: Gwen Lindstrom is the owner of Rancher's Cafe: a restaurant in Dubois, Wyoming. After...
L'amour sous les Tropiques. « – Je te veux toute à moi, Solveig, murmure William d’un air de défi, mêlant ses paroles aux baisers, pendant que sa main redescend le long de mon corps, frôlant ma poitrine,...
Si l'amour m'était conté… « Le visage parfait de William s’impose à moi, souriant, calme, heureux. Je pense à sa douceur, à cette façon enveloppante qu’il a de me prendre dans ses bras, et cette impression...
Pourquoi est-ce que la terre entière semble m'en vouloir ? Qu’est-ce que j'ai fait, à part tomber amoureuse de l'homme le plus merveilleux qu'il m'ait jamais été donné de rencontrer ? William, cet aventurier...
Solveig est retenue prisonnière de sa pire ennemie, celle qui a détruit le cœur de son amant lorsqu'il n'était encore qu'un adolescent, sans expérience, sans défenses… Sa vie ne tient plus qu'à un fil,...
Um livro que mergulha na tarefa mais crucial que todos enfrentamos: aprender a nos amar e desenvolver a autoestima. Esta obra inspiradora revela que o amor-próprio não é apenas um ingrediente vital para...
There are those who have chosen to recap the day-to-day lives of people who lived during and after Reconstruction in the United States in the form of a story. Acres and Acres of Plowed Ground is one of...
"A World of Girls: The Story of a School" by L. T. Meade is a captivating tale that revolves around a group of diverse girls attending a boarding school. As they navigate the challenges of school life,...
"Wild Heather" by L. T. Meade is a captivating tale of Heather Grahame, a spirited young woman who embraces the rugged beauty of the Scottish moors. Heather's life takes a dramatic turn when she inherits...
"A Girl of the People" by L. T. Meade follows the life of Mollie Maxwell, a spirited and compassionate young woman from a working-class background. Despite facing societal challenges, Mollie's determination...
"Jill: A Flower Girl" by L. T. Meade is a heartwarming story that follows the adventures of young Jill, a spirited flower girl. Set in the charming English countryside, Jill's encounters with nature,...
"A Life For a Love" by L. T. Meade tells the poignant story of sacrifice and devotion. When two women, one from a privileged background and the other from a life of poverty, fall in love with the same...
The Infidel is a work of historical fiction set against the backdrop of the religious wars known as the Crusades. It is a story of espionage, family tragedy, and an arcane labyrinth of secret orders,...
It was early last December, as near as I can remember, I was walking down the street slightly tipsyfied. No one was I disturbing as I sat down by the kerbing, and a pig came up and sat down by my side....
Ralph the Elf enjoys helping Santa and Missus Claus all year, while also preparing for Christmas Eve, wrapping presents, helping repair and load the sleigh, and caring for the reindeer. But when Santa...
Fifty-Fifty, The Clarity of Hindsight is a compilation of the lessons learned by a fifty-year old lawyer, wife, mother, daughter of immigrant parents, survivor and thriver, though not of course always...
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