Pantalla :
Secondo libro della serie "Lux" aperta da Obsidian. Daemon Black ultimamente è cambiato: dolce, passionale, protettivo e addirittura geloso, sembra davvero prendere sul serio la relazione con Katy, che...
Fitness walking has become a very popular fitness activity at many colleges and universities across the nation. This book has been specifically written for college level fitness classes.
When the Third Reich fell, it fell swiftly. The Nazis had little time to cover up their memos, their letters, or their diaries. William L. Shirer's definitive book on the Third Reich uses these unique...
When her brother, Henry, is murdered, Kate is grief stricken. Nothing in her background has prepared her for this. The family's successful import/export business in Chicago provided a wealthy lifestyle....
Ingrid and husband Russell shared a rough childhood on Kansas City streets. Coming together as teenagers helped them survive. Now adults, they strive to create a decent life. They want 'The American Dream'...
A real estate deal turns deadly. The land owner, Charlie Taylor, is killed, and Matt Doran, the developer is missing. Now Kramer Construction is pushing for control of the land. Billie Ross, of Ross InvestigationServices,...
Sometimes things happen, and it seems like the end of the world is coming. Yet, when the trouble is over life is a whole lot better than it was. That happened to me. I remember it clearly. It was, what...
All three books in 'The Study In Red Trilogy', a series of thrillers by Daniel Kemp, now available in one volume!A Study In Red: Robert Cavendish is drawn into the dark world of Jack the Ripper after...
"Ozma of Oz: A Record of Her Adventures with Dorothy Gale of Kansas, Billina the Yellow Hen, the Scarecrow, the Tin Woodsman, Tik-Tok, the Cowardly Lion and the Hungry Tiger; Besides Other Good People...
THE first of the notable humorists of Irish life was William Maginn, one of the most versatile, as well as brilliant of Irish men of letters.
On the east edge of Flagstaff, Arizona, the Brentwood Motel stood dark and silent. The L-shaped building blended into the high desert rock and sand hillside like a chiseled symmetric outcropping. In the...
ow much freedom are people willing to sacrifice for safety? In the aftermath of a nuclear devastated world the Delaney family lived a comfortable life. Nora Delaney worked for Heartland State Resources....
From the outside, the Delroque family seemed prosperous and close. Ross inherited the ancestral plantation where he and Ivy had raised three children. Ross and his son-in-law, Paul, both hold executive...
When the small town of Rosemont, Louisiana wakes up to find a bank vice-president murdered, bank funds stolen, and his little stepdaughter, Darla, missing the police and the FBI rush to the scene. However,...
"Harvest is ended and summer is gone," quoted Anne Shirley, gazing across the shorn fields dreamily. She and Diana Barry had been picking apples in the Green Gables orchard, but were now resting from...
? “Here are your vegetables, Nora,” said Will Carden, as he scraped his feet upon the mat before the kitchen door of the “big house.” “Come in, Masther Willyum,” called the cook, in her cheery voice....
Madison & Adams Press presents the Civil War Memories Series. This meticulous selection of the firsthand accounts, memoirs and diaries is specially comprised for Civil War enthusiasts and all people...
Verfügen biblische Texte über einen eindeutigen Wortsinn (Literalsinn)? Reformatoren und klassische Evangelikale beantworteten diese Frage mit einem klaren Ja. Neue exegetische Modelle indessen haben...
Our Jungle Road to Tokyo, first published in 1950, is the World War II memoir of U.S. Army Lt. General Robert Eichelberger. Robert Lawrence Eichelberger (1886-1961) was a general officer in the United...
Oltre al testo, l’ebook contiene i link per scaricare . Gli audio completi della tecnica (durata complessiva: 34 minuti) . Audio streaming: puoi ascoltare gli audio della tecnica guidata direttamente...
This book, newly updated, contains now several HTML tables of contents that will make reading a real pleasure! The first table of contents (at the very beginning of the ebook) lists the titles of all...
The main difficulty of our research lies in the fact that the Grail legend consists of a congeries of widely differing elements—elements which at first sight appear hopelessly incongruous, if not completely...
This is not exactly a story of Cinderella, although a modern Cinderella—of whom there are a great many more in our social life than people wot of—plays her modest part therein; and the allusion to one...
The village was thunderstruck. Nay, more; the village was disapproving, almost scandalised. It was astounded to the verge of incredulity when it heard that a man who had lived in its midst quietly and...
ALL IS SILENCE (LIBRO I - Deserted Lands) E se la Morte si dimenticasse di te? In un futuro che potrebbe essere il nostro, Lizzie, adolescente con un passato di tentati suicidi, riesce a stento a tirare...
Gli abitanti di C-T vivono all’ombra di una grande Cittadella che li protegge dal calore bruciante dei due soli che solcano il cielo. Ogni giorno devono vivere, lavorare e spostarsi fra le ombre proiettate...
This is a true "dime novel" from shortly after the turn of the twentieth century. Written for younger men, it is almost funny today, but well worth the read.
The first three books in Brian L. Porter's 'Mersey Murder Mysteries' series, now available in one volume!A Mersey Killing: Liverpool, 1999. Skeletal remains found in the docklands lead Detective Inspector...
Eine wunderbare und magische Geschichte. Eine etwas ungewöhnliche Polizeiermittlung. Eine Reihe von faszinierenden, sympathischen und einzigartigen Charakteren. Eine Stadt, Happyland, wurde von einem...
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