Pantalla :
An Anchor Point Series Collection, Volume 1Nestled on the northern coast of Oregon, this small town is home to Naval Air Station Adams. On base, you'll find freshly-minted Sailors who've just graduated...
Captain Mark Thomas's world has been tossed on its head: A long overdue but still unexpected divorce. A promotion out of left field. Last-second orders to a ship where careers go to die. As the dust settles...
Get your finances in order, pay off all debt, and finally have peace of mind... Imagine waking up every morning with the freedom to do what you love, without worrying about debt or financial stress. Imagine...
'David Marquet is the kind of leader who comes around only once in a generation . . . his ideas and lessons are invaluable' Simon Sinek, author of Start With Why Captain David Marquet was used to giving...
Erzählt aus Sicht der schönsten Augen der Welt - Christian Grey. Sehen Sie die Welt von Fifty Shades of Grey auf ganz neue Weise – durch die Augen von Christian Grey. Erzählt in Christians eigenen Worten,...
'Packed with passion ... a love story full of charm, music and soul-mates ... a classic E L James combo of the sweet and erotic with the perfect ending for romantics. I think it's her best by far!' -...
ABOUT THE BOOK I became a Realtor in 2000, when an opportunity presented itself. I had been a journalist, slaving away at a small and insignificant newspaper in a small and insignificant town when I...
Quelques semaines avant leur vingt-cinquième anniversaire de mariage, la femme de Greg Douglas le surprend… avec un divorce. Il vit désormais chez ses amis, Ethan et Rhett, en attendant de retomber sur...
Trompe-moi trois fois…Dale Ramsey a hâte de participer à sa réunion des anciens, vingt ans après le lycée, à l'exception d'un petit problème : est-ce que son ancien ami – et ancien amour – sera là ?Adam...
Il mazziere di blackjack Adrian West ha vissuto a Las Vegas abbastanza a lungo da essere abituato a vedere i mendicanti sulla Strip. La loro povertà è una parte triste e brutta della realtà in una città...
Le rêve d'Amy Dover d'entraîner des chevaux a un prix. Les pressions de sa carrière, sans parler d'un mari et partenaire en affaires abusif, ont aspiré toute la joie que les chevaux lui apportaient. Après...
Gagnant du prix du livre numérique EPIC 2016. Quand Alyssa Warren rencontre Shane McNeill lors d'un mariage, ça fait des étincelles. Il est sexy, il la regarde, et il ne sait rien de l'erreur qu'elle...
Finalist im Lamda Literary AwardNachdem ein Marine ihn in einer Bar aufgemischt hat, weist Ensign Aiden Lange einige Verletzungen im Gesicht auf, die auf der Arbeit ganz sicher Fragen aufwerfen werden....
A tattered and broken lawn chair sits atop boxes of—What? A dusty suit-bag hangs toward the back, purposely hidden in a corner. Objects hold memories; some worthily preserved, others advisably disposed....
Ihr Plan war perfekt … bis die Welt zum Stillstand kam.Nachdem die Navy ihn hinausgeworfen hat, ist Tristan aufgeschmissen. Ohne eine ehrenhafte Entlassung oder einen College-Abschluss sind seine Berufsaussichten...
Toccarsi a pelle è illegale. Il sesso? Un reato. Tute isolanti e guanti impediscono alle persone persino il più platonico contatto. I cittadini in massa fanno la fila per entrare nelle simhouse, dove...
No primeiro volume desta aguardada série de fantasia, uma princesa vive um romance ardente com aquele que jurou destruir. Lara é uma princesa treinada para ser uma espiã letal. Ela tem duas certezas:...
Sulla scena di un multiplo omicidio, che è orribile anche per un investigatore navigato, Brian Clifton rimane sbalordito nel vedere che una delle vittime somiglia in modo inquietante a James, il suo ragazzo....
Une scène de crime où plusieurs meurtres ont été commis se révèle particulièrement macabre, même aux yeux d'un vétéran tel que l'inspecteur Brian Clifton, qui est stupéfait de constater la ressemblance...
L'inspecteur Andrew Carmichael et le secouriste paramédical Nick Swain ont échappé de justesse au fou qui harcelait Nick, manquant de peu d'y laisser la vie. Quelques mois plus tard, les cicatrices physiques...
Lorsque Nick Swain, secouriste paramédical, se rend sur les lieux d'un accident dans un quartier malfamé, son monde s'en retrouve sens dessus dessous. Sa vie par deux fois menacée, des accusations de...
Serie completa.CoprimiQuando il paramedico Nick Swain deve occuparsi di una sparatoria in una zona malfamata, tutto il suo mondo comincia a girare diversamente. La sua vita viene minacciata… due volte.Accuse...
CALLING ALL MOMS! It's time to reclaim your identity and find fulfillment—one deposit at a time. Being a mother is A LOT… Everyone depends on you. Everyone wants your time and attention. But what about...
La protagonisto Keave, maristo el Havajo, akiras por kvindek dolaroj misteran botelon, kiu plenumas al la posedanto chiun deziron. Sed oni konsilas al li disigi sin de ghi sufiche rapide, char tiu, kiu...
Levi Harris has never had a reason to stay on the straight and narrow. Nothing he does is ever good enough for his family, his teachers, his bosses, his drill instructors. He can't do anything right,...
David Coleman has made some mistakes, and he'll be living with the consequences for the rest of his life. He's made decisions that have left him estranged from his once tight knit family. Even now, when...
After the death of the author's mother, Mary Louise Ray Hiett, he began the process of sorting through her effects. He was surprised to find a bookcase filled with new and old Christian classics. Using...
After a Marine roughs him up at a gay bar, Ensign Aiden Lange has some cuts and bruises on his face that are sure to raise questions at work. At the urging of a sympathetic cop, he spends the next day...
Bored senseless in a meeting, Jon McNeill amuses himself with a kinky dating app on his phone. Then the app matches him with another user…who's six feet away. Suddenly Jon finds himself on the same page...
A pair of Doms who don't expect to fall for their new shared submissive. A corporate drone who never expects to be ordering around the firm's wealthiest—and hottest—client. A fencing coach who finds a...
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