Pantalla :
In L. Frank Baum's 'The Marvelous Land of Oz', readers are transported back to the whimsical world of Oz, where new fantastical adventures await. The book continues the beloved story of Dorothy and her...
B. L. Farjeon's novel 'Toilers of Babylon' delves into the harsh realities of life in the London slums during the late 19th century. Through vivid descriptions and compelling characters, Farjeon paints...
In L. T. Meade's 'The Rebel of the School,' readers are transported to the world of British boarding schools in the late 19th century. The book follows the story of a spirited young heroine who challenges...
In 'The Girl and Her Fortune' by L. T. Meade, the reader is taken on a journey through the life of a young girl as she navigates the challenges and triumphs of growing up in the late 19th century. Meade's...
E. L. Huggins' 'Winona, a Dakota Legend; and Other Poems' is a collection of captivating poetry that delves deep into Native American folklore and spirituality. Written in a lyrical and evocative style,...
In 'Deadwood Dick Jr. Branded; or, Red Rover at Powder Pocket,' Edward L. Wheeler presents a thrilling tale of adventure and mischief set in the Old West. This novel is a classic example of the dime novel...
In 'The Boy and the Sunday School' by John L. Alexander, the author delves into the importance of religious education in shaping young minds. Written in a simple and engaging style, the book explores...
Nada o impedirá de salvá-la! Daemon fará o que for preciso para ter a Katy de volta. Após a bem-sucedida, porém desastrosa, incursão a Mount Weather, ele está tendo que encarar o impensável. Katy foi...
O apocalipse vai começar! Katy sabe que o mundo mudou desde a noite da chegada dos Luxen. Ela não consegue acreditar que Daemon tenha se juntado à sua própria raça ou que vá ficar de braços cruzados...
Eles vão arriscar tudo! Ninguém é igual ao Daemon Black. Quando ele prometeu que iria provar seus sentimentos por mim, não estava brincando. Nunca mais vou duvidar dele. E agora que conseguimos finalmente...
In 'The Freedmen at Port Royal' by Edward L. Pierce, the reader is taken on a compelling journey through the lives of newly freed African Americans in the aftermath of the Civil War. Pierce's meticulous...
In B. L. Farjeon's 'Joshua Marvel,' readers are taken on a riveting journey through the streets of Victorian London as they follow the trials and tribulations of the titular character, a young, idealistic...
Algumas coisas valem a pena esperar.Algumas coisas valem a pena experimentar.Algumas coisas não devem ser mantidas em silêncio.E, por algumas coisas, vale a pena lutar.Avery Morgansten precisa fugir....
In B. L. Farjeon's 'A Fair Jewess,' the reader is transported to Victorian London through the tale of Rebecca Lyon, a Jewish woman living in a society rife with prejudice and discrimination. Farjeon's...
In 'The House of the White Shadows' by B. L. Farjeon, readers are transported to a Victorian-era mystery filled with suspense and intrigue. The novel combines elements of crime fiction and Gothic romance,...
In 'Samuel Boyd of Catchpole Square: A Mystery', B. L. Farjeon weaves a captivating tale of intrigue and suspense set in the bustling streets of London. The narrative style is rich in detail, vividly...
In 'The Last Tenant' by B. L. Farjeon, readers are immersed in a gripping tale of mystery and suspense set in a secluded country house. The book expertly weaves elements of psychological tension and eerie...
Florence L. Barclay's novel 'Through the Postern Gate' is a heartfelt story of love and redemption set in the Edwardian era. The book, written in a romantic and poetic style, follows the lives of two...
In 'Under Rocking Skies' by L. Frank Tooker, readers are transported to a mesmerizing world of fantastical landscapes and mythical creatures. The novel combines elements of magical realism with traditional...
Sir Gawain and the Lady of Lys, written by renowned medieval literature scholar Jessie L. Weston, delves into the Arthurian legend of Sir Gawain with a fresh and insightful approach. Weston reimagines...
Caroline L. Smith's 'Home Arts for Old and Young' is a comprehensive guide to various domestic arts and crafts, providing practical advice and step-by-step instructions for readers of all ages. Written...
In Edward L. Wheeler's 'Fritz to the Front, or, the Ventriloquist Scamp-Hunter,' readers are transported to a thrilling world where adventure and mystery collide. The novel, set in the late 19th century,...
In 'Legends of Babylon and Egypt in Relation to Hebrew Tradition' by L. W. King, the author explores the rich tapestry of ancient myths and legends from Babylon and Egypt that have influenced Hebrew tradition....
In L. Frank Baum's 'Daughters of Destiny', the reader is transported to a world of enchantment where young girls discover their destinies through trials and triumphs. Written in Baum's signature whimsical...
In 'Lucy Maud Montgomery Short Stories, 1905 to 1906,' readers are treated to a collection of enchanting short stories that showcase Montgomery's signature blend of vivid imagery, heartwarming themes,...
Francis L. Hawks' 'The Adventures of Hernan Cortes, the Conqueror of Mexico' is a gripping historical account of the conquest of Mexico by the Spanish conquistador Hernan Cortes. Written in a narrative...
Isabella L. Bird's 'Unbeaten Tracks in Japan' is a captivating travelogue that offers readers a unique perspective on Japan during the late 19th century. Through vivid descriptions and detailed accounts...
Florence L. Barclay's 'The White Ladies of Worcester' is a captivating historical novel set against the backdrop of the English Civil War. The novel follows a group of courageous women who reside in Worcester...
L. Frank Baum's 'The Wonderful Wizard of Oz' is a timeless classic that follows the adventures of young Dorothy Gale as she is swept away from Kansas to the magical land of Oz. Written in a whimsical...
Hier finden sich vier Kurzgeschichten voller Liebe & Magie. Bei einer Zugfahrt verändert eine unerwartete Begegnung das Leben einer jungen Frau & sie fragt sich, was verbirgt sich unter dem Mantel...
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