Pantalla :
A band concert turns deadly when the oboe player dies suddenly. Lisa Todd soon finds out that there were more than skeletons in this musician's closet! Can Lisa figure it out in time to save both the...
A celebrity chef brings his world-famous cooking show to Two Harbors for a special broadcast. The news quickly spreads that the show is looking for ethnic recipes, the winning submissions to be prepared...
Marvelous wonders! Wondrous marvels! Come one, come all to the Carnival Macabre, where the shocking and obscure thrives. See the exquisite oddities, avoid centuries old vampires, meet the Master of Fleas,...
»Momentan scheint Noah okay zu sein, doch ich kann mich täuschen. Das Meer ist auch an manchen Stellen ruhig, die Wellen klein und leise, während sich an anderen Stellen ein Sturm zusammenbraut.« Als...
It is starting to look like someone has cursed Lance to live in interesting times. As a Jack Of All Trades danger is not stranger to Lance, but events that could lead to his death have been increasing...
Roger Twowinds, a young Native American mage, needs to find a very powerful talisman made centuries ago. The talisman is so old that most knowledge of it has been forgotten. It has recently been exposed...
Sometime's life takes us down some unexpected and unprepared roads that we have no control over, unexpected roads we can not see until we have had a collision. The one thing about being Blind-sided, is...
An ancient treaty hangs in the balance as monsters wreak havoc. Two realms at war only found peace after agreeing to send a tribute to each other every thousand years.This agreement served them well for...
All her life, Deborah has known she and her older sister have extraordinary psi powers. When their mother dies suddenly, Deborah learns she's meant to use her gift against the forces of darkness in some...
When Father Michel Emeric and Dr. Ray Benson warn young widow, Kate Jacobs, of occult danger stalking her, she dismisses them as deranged fanatics. The eerie disappearance of her four-year-old daughter,...
When sixteen-year-old Ell Gossamer's two mothers mysteriously disappear, the teen human-mermaid hybrid quickly flees home with little more than a mysterious family keepsake, a book called "Dreams of Song...
Demetri, now in command of the Echo Task Force, which is comprised of replicons, risks all to save Earth from its greatest threat—humans. When Dictator Thorndyke and Ambrose replace the High Command and...
Creating a most unlikely hero, the army assigned Albert Costas, the youngest and lowest-ranking soldier in the Vietnam War, to run errands and do other menial tasks for the headquarters staff in Saigon....
Luna Kast, surveillance specialist at Celestial Investigation staysone-step away from danger. She meets Kevin Hollings.He seems shy and levelheaded, but she's been duped before andhas no intention of...
A sweet festive novella from New York Times bestselling author L. P. Dover. What could a small-town innkeeper and an internationally successful fashion designer have in common? Sometimes it doesn't matter,...
Kopfkino 4.8 versteht sich als zeitgemäß, fantastisch, witzig, spannend und extrem frivol.
Among the speculative questions which arise in connection with the study of arithmetic from a historical standpoint, the origin of number is one that has provoked much lively discussion, and has led to...
Dieses Buch, der Katalog der Bibliothek der Mennonitengemeinde zu Hamburg und Altona, ist der vorläufige Endpunkt einer langen Entwicklung. Die Pastoren der jungen Mennonitengemeinde in der kleinen Stadt...
Ein Mann begegnet zufällig einem jungen Mädchen, das seiner vor Jahren tödlich verunglückten Jugendliebe zum Verwechseln gleicht. Auch das Mädchen zeigt sich ungewöhnlich interessiert an ihm. Zufall?...
Sie hat Mordanschläge vereitelt, ihre schlimmsten Albträume durchlebt und Geheimagenten zur Verzweiflung getrieben. Doch was Goblin nun erwartet, ist nervenzerfetzender als alles bisher Erlebte. Mr. Superstars...
Story-telling is almost the oldest art in the world - the first conscious form of literary communication. In the East it still survives, and it is not an uncommon thing to see a crowd at a street corner...
your touch on my skin, a poetry book. For about one year, it has accompanied me through one of my most eventful years until now. It deals with the topics of young love and the grave consequences that...
“So you were f----- her, weren’t you? I knew it,” Britney said.“Just playing with her p----. But now I want to play with yours. And make her watch us.”My name is Julia, and I was addicted to sex with...
Being an introvert does not mean one is shy, socially awkward, or lacking in confidence. Being an introvert simply means you recharge from solitude rather than social situations. Often it is a sign of intelligence....
Currently about 2 percent of all app developers can claim about 55 percent of all the revenue generated by apps each year. If you are looking for a way to break into this elite group, then App Marketing:...
How to successfully motivate your employees, create an exceptional work environment, and increase your company's revenue fourfold without having to sell your soul.Are there often conflicts or tension...
You've already had to experience trauma once. You shouldn't have to keep reliving it. Are you constantly on edge, finding it exceptionally difficult to concentrate on everyday tasks and get a restful...
Your life can be refreshing – to you and to others! It’s true! Despite your flaws and imperfections, your life can bring sweet comfort, joy and blessing to those around you. Each of us have some “flies”—those...
Dit is het verhaal.Ik was mijn Duitse Herdershond aan het uitlaten in het park toen die ervandoor ging en de riem uit mijn hand trok. Hij sprintte over het pad tot hij een of andere vreemde tegenkwam...
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