le Berthélaine
Kunstner, forfatter og kritiker.
Uddannet v. Aarhus, Odense og Københavns universiteter.
- Skrivekunst
- Litteratur- og kunsthistorie
- Filosofi
Politisk Parloir - Årbog
Poetisk Parloir - Aarbog
Poetisk Parloir – Aarbog ....
Poetic Parloir Post- and Transhumanism
Poetic Parloir: Post- and Transhumanism
At overleve undergang - en mosaik af eksistensens stemninger
Post- and transhumanism is an urgent issue that demands reflection, as the coming biotech revolution inevi-tably will change human life.
The essay trilogy offers a vivid and comprehensible insight into the topic through the different angles of literature, art, film, philosophy,...
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