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Lee Crystal - Libros y biografía

Growing up, I was very poor and had little. In second grade, I was diagnosed with dyslexia.

As I got older, I fell in love with Science Fiction. I read many of the great Sci-Fi writers of the time and even watched all I could on our old black-and-white TV.

So, what did I want to do with my life?

Be a Sci-fi writer and Artist.

I've been creating Sci-Fi art since I was little and writing since high school.

Needless to say, it took me a while to get my writing and art up to snuff. Plus, life does get in the way.

Currently, I am putting out book 1 of my Pirates of Sol novels.

Several of my short stories are available. I even have published a book with them all.

My artwork, including the front cover of issue #120 of NOVUM, has also been published.

The publication of PROXIMA featured another of my works on its cover for issue #103.

If I am successful with my writing, I hope to set up a local cat shelter and name it after my late wife.

The Pirates of Sol

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Lee Crystal's Short Story Collection 1 Version 2.0
Which Came First:The Space Cruiser Carl Sagan is dispatched by the Science Counsel to test their latest theories. This however is not the typical scientific field trip. For this trip they needed a powerful military vessel to venture to the edge of the abyss, the black hole Cygnus... Más información

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