Leena Sainio is a poet, musician and visual artist from Helsinki. She prefers writing social criticism poems. Expressive poems are often flavored by black humor. Many of her poems contain intense rhythm and drama and are well suitable to read out aloud. Leena Sainio is also an active stage poet and can often be seen at poetry events in Finland. Sainio has published two poetry books: Särmää Serenadissa (trans. Edgy serenade) (Pesä) was published in 2019 and the children's poetry book Rapuooppera (trans. The Crab Opera) (Enostone) in 2021. She has illustrated both publications herself. Leena Sainio's texts have been published in several poetry journals and anthologies. She is a member of the poetry collective Runosvengi.
Särmää serenadissa on hersyvä runokokoelma, jossa demokratia juodaan pöydän alle, muistot leikataan murusilpuksi ja muutetaan asumaan lähemmäs sairaalaa. Vakava runo saattaa sisältää vinoa huumoria ja humoristisen runon ydin voi olla äärimmäisen kipeä. Yhteiskunnalliset ongelmat...
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