Pantalla :
What do most authors have in common, no matter what genre they write? They love desserts. Sweets sustain them through pending deadlines and take the sting out of crushing rejection letters and nasty reviews....
** Fair warning: This is a true story of sexual abuse, drugs, rape, betrayal and triumph ** **Warning: This book contains crude language and is not for the faint of heart** As I sat down to write...
** Fair warning: This is a true story of sexual abuse, drugs, rape, betrayal and triumph ** **Warning:This book contains crude language and is not for the faint of heart** As I sat down to write this...
Are you always on the hunt for money? Are you tired of the relentless battle with money, desperate to break free from the cycle of never having enough and wishing for more? Dr. Lisa Ortigara Crego, a...
Are you tired of feeling trapped in a never-ending cycle of guilt and regret every time that tempting cheat day rolls around? Say goodbye to the turmoil and embrace a new sense of freedom with "Release...
Do you suspect that the person with whom you are dating or in a long-term relationship is emotionally unavailable? Worse, have you ever been labeled as emotionally unavailable? Relationships must have...
Are you tired of the relentless battle with food, desperate to break free from the cycle of compulsive negative diet thoughts? Dr. Lisa Ortigara Crego, a distinguished clinical psychotherapist, addiction...
Embrace the secret to aging gracefully and living life with a purposeful flair! Dr. Lisa Ortigara Crego's transformative book, "Release Your Obsession with Aging: Heal from the Inside Out," holds the...
Are you tired of the relentless battle with food, desperate to break free from the cycle of compulsive eating? Dr. Lisa Ortigara Crego, a distinguished clinical psychotherapist, addiction psychologist,...
Questo saggio mostra come sia possibile l'identificazione del romanzo autobiografico come Bene Culturale, muovendo da un'analisi che non va a discordare con il concetto di bene così come è definito dal...
Release Your Obsession with Your PHONE: Heal from the Inside Out is not a technical book on the inner workings of the telephone, but a deep-dive into the addictive grip of this amazing, must-have little...
Elle sait marquer un but les yeux fermés et sauter dix obstacles d'affilée... Saura-t-elle apprendre à faire la révérence ?Megan est une vraie passionnée de foot, pleine d'ambition. Pas vraiment le profil...
Émouvant et tendre, ce recueil concentre les premiers poèmes d’une jeune autrice en herbe.En vers aiguisés, elle décrit le monde, s’exerce à l’observation de ses semblables avec sensibilité et humour....
Relações de poder cristãs, escravistas e patriarcais permearam as relações de gênero conduzindo à submissão sexual das mal-procedidas , concubinas e prostitutas, que se entregavam aos prazeres sensuais....
Jim Wilson prayed his first real prayer at a Youth for Christ meeting on the night of October 18, 1947. He was introduced to the Father through Jesus Christ, and his life was changed. He describes his...
Hope is a promise of God. Anxiety is a lie of Satan. When we are anxious, we become immobilized. We cannot make decisions; we cannot get things done; we cannot sleep. What can we do to be free from this...
Fjällbjörkskogen, mellan barrskog och kalfjäll, är utmärkande för de skandinaviska fjällen. Den beskrivs här ur ett dynamiskt perspektiv, som innefattar utvecklingen efter den senaste istiden fram till...
10 Book Boxed Set (Adultery, Cheating, Revenge, Menage, Ghost, and Love Inspired Romance) Written for your reading pleasure, and especially for lovers of romance anthologies, this 10 book boxed set contains...
Mon désir en captivitéColine, dix-huit ans, est belle, intelligente, ambitieuse et représente un modèle que l’on admire dans son lycée. Grâce à Kevin, elle s’est construit une existence de toutes pièces,...
Det finns många utmaningar för välfärdssektorn beträffande kvalitet, arbetsmiljö och kompetensförsörjning. Tillitsbaserad styrning och ledning har under en tid varit en populär ansats för att skapa en...
I fjälltrakterna, där växter och djur ofta lever på gränsen till sin förmåga, märks klimatförändringarnas effekter tydligast. Därför kan även små klimatvariationer ändra förutsättningarna för det biologiska...
"Você e eu para sempre" não é mais um típico livro sobre casamento. Embora existam várias obras disponíveis com dicas realmente úteis sobre como melhorar o relacionamento entre marido e mulher, Francis...
Beim Spielen findet Zoé Zugang zu einer Parallelwelt, in der sie sich zusammen mit ihrer Schutzeule Eulalia auf die Siche nach ihrem inneren Schatz macht. "Ihn zu finden ist enorm wichtig! Er ist dein...
Unser vierter Band schließt nahtlos an die Sagen, Mythen und Legenden der drei vorherigen Bände an. Es ist schon erstaunlich, wie viele dieser literarischen Relikte die Zeit überdauert haben. Das zeugt...
Written by the winner of the Somerset Maugham Award, the John Llewellyn Rhys Prize and a Gregory Award, this family drama features a trinity of women bound by compulsion and secrecy. Joanna, an abomination...
Since the eighteenth century the eccentric and flamboyant Beltran family have ruled their desolate Andean valley. Now they are almost extinct. At seventeen, Lydia Sinclair, newly married to Don Diego...
MOZAMBIQUE MYSTERIES is about turning fifty and finding a new direction. Lisa St Aubin de Terán travelled to Mozambique and, for the first time in her much-travelled life, felt at home - in a place 'so...
I was born in 1934 in a little lost village near San Cristobel de Torondoy eleven months after my brother. Unlike him, who was astonishingly handsome, I was astonishingly ugly. I was covered in black...
Pour vivre à l'heure du monde, qui peut ignorer la planète et ses p habitants? Quelles sont les réalités humaines, économiques, politiques des pays de la Terre ? Comment vit-on dans les villes ou à la...
A la manière du premier tome, cet ouvrage n'est pas une histoire de France à la papa, strictement chronologique et qui fait la part belle au roman national, mais le récit de la France d'en bas, des paysans...
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