Pantalla :
"You'd think having an angel come to visit you would be a good thing. So why did I feel like everything was about to get ten times worse as one knelt before me?"Mercy's saga continues with Mercy for the...
EVERYONE HAS SECRETS, AND SOMETIMES THOSE SECRETS KILLSophie Mathieson is trapped in a mediocre marriage and a mundane job that she hates. She counts the days of her life with numbers instead of calendar...
Perpetual Mercy School for Young Women caters to the uber rich and powerful.Attending an all-female elite boarding school filled with bullies and inflated egos can be a trying experience. For lonely fifteen-year-old...
Wie soll ich dich sterben lassen? Schnell? Oder unter unendlichen Qualen? Thórvi hat sich auf ein Spiel mit dem Teufel eingelassen, und die Reise, auf der sie sich befindet, scheint zum Scheitern verurteilt...
This book is a child's perspective on her mom's Parkinson's disease. Instead of looking at it as a bad thing, Patti sees her mom as a super hero who has special powers. It's a positive, refreshing perspective...
How to Monetize Despair is a captivating exploration of a wide range of subjects and ideas, from traumatic loss and the sorrows of human relationships to the natural but absurd world of neurotic caterpillars...
Following an unexpected invitation to a Christmas gathering at Rosings Park, Elizabeth Bennet finds herself caught up in a holiday deception that may change her life forever… When Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy...
A tree falls in the forest and I am/ there to make sure no one hears it./Beloved: It's not that I am/unwilling to be seized by sound,/ everyday I am undone by it. Khando Langri Our poets and authors...
Danger Isn't Always in Plain Sight. Sometimes, You Have to Watch Your Back. Devon Mitchell's past is tormenting him, and his future is uncertain.Plagued with the thought that he was responsible for his...
Sandra liebt ihren Job sowie ihre Unabhängigkeit. Auf der ständigen Suche nach unkomplizierten Affären trifft sie Martin, der sich ihr unterordnen will. Mit ihm erlebt sie einen völlig neuen Zugang zu...
Hast du dich schon einmal gefragt, warum wir unser Staatsjubiläum im November feiern, wenn doch der Zweite Weltkrieg im Mai endete? Oder warum wir so viele Wörter aus dem Lateinischen in unserer Sprache...
NCIS Special Agent Niall O'Caran wants back on the Northwest Counter Terrorism Taskforce. Sidelined for prioritizing family over the team, he's determined to solve this latest case so he can be who he's...
Homeland Security Agent Dakota Pierce is determined to solve every case, no matter what. When it becomes clear a backwoods militia is involved in the murder of a young woman, she can't ignore her past...
Nach dem herben Liebesaus mit dem charmanten Bernd bekämpft Lisa ihren Liebeskummer mit einem erotischen Abenteuer an der Ostsee. Kaum glaubt sie die Liebesqual überwunden, verfällt sie erneut dem Herzensbrecher...
A dead woman returns. The trap is set. Allyson can't get caught up in feelings. Not when there's work to do. The night her phone rings, the voice on the other end changes everything. Drawn into the latest...
His sister has been kidnapped. A disgraced woman is targeted. Who is telling the truth? Navy SEAL Bradley Harris returns home to find his sister, Senator Rachel Harris, has been abducted. The FBI's prime...
Everything changed for Emma Burroughs the night Senator Francis Sadler was killed. On the run and being hunted, there is nothing left for her to do but lay low. Until a strange man shows up. Mint is...
"Die Abendteuer von Lia und Lou" handelt von 2 Geschwistern, die gegensätzlicher nicht sein können. Das Buch wird Abendteuer genannt, da es sich um lustige Gute-Nacht-Geschichten handelt. Zusammen erleben...
Tramandare i propri geni è da sempre la massima (spesso inconsapevole) aspirazione di ogni essere vivente.D’altronde non potrebbe essere altrimenti: nell’ultimo mezzo miliardo di anni chi non ha dedicato...
Spesso consideriamo inquietanti gli animali che vivono in ambienti estremi, perché non riusciamo a compararli con l’unico strumento di paragone che conosciamo: noi stessi. A volte è l’aspetto a sconvolgerci,...
The complete series. All five books in one collection.Get this bestselling Christian Romantic Suspense series in one convenient eBookBook 1: First Wave Just another Friday night. Or is it? Homeland Security...
A vendetta. The biggest case of her life. Victoria Bramlyn has been a spy, a State Department Director, team leader and friend. But there's one role she's never realized. The woman in Mark Welvern's life....
It's 1979 and Laurie Caswell is working as a bookstore clerk at the Northbrook Mall. That Saturday evening, she sees a movie with her boyfriend, Dennis Nolan. Instead of dining at a restaurant, the teenage...
FBI Special Agent Caisey Lyons is going undercover. To get abducted. But when the killer evades capture, an injured Caisey takes some much needed time off. In the small town of Buckshot, CO, she runs...
I am so excited you are taking the first step of a life time of getting info about this new upcoming life changing book. Imagine survival of the fittest; the strongest must survive the affairs of this...
A Prequel Story Special Agent Liam Conners is the only witness to his neighbor's abduction: the Chloroform Killer has struck again. But when his neighbor, Andrea James, returns from a business trip, they...
Professor Feuerlein hat eine unglaubliche Erfindung gemacht: Ein Wesen, das sich schnell vermehrt, sich nur von Luft ernährt und viel sehr gutes Fleisch abgibt! Dieses Wesen, genannt Munaster, soll gegen...
An avid Foodie and self-trained chef, Lisa Flowers brings to you a beautiful Plant-Based cookbook filled with delicious recipes that will inspire you to explore new ways of cooking and thinking about...
A detective is on an abduction case Bodyguard Keeli Abbott will do anything to protect Detective Spencer Dubridge from a murderer who is set on revenge. But Spencer acts like he can’t...
Their silent disgust failed to affect me anymore. But this was not silent. This was loud and forceful and violent and I could not ignore it. Massachusetts, 1854. The anti-foreigner American Party, better...
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