Pantalla :
MENSTRUATION ISN'T JUST ABOUT HAVING BABIESYour menstrual cycle is a vital sign, just like your pulse, temperature, respiration rate, and blood pressure. And it provides you with essential information...
In diesem Buch habe ich all meine großen und auch kleinen Spartipps rund um den Haushalt aufgeschrieben, die ich in den letzten Jahren gesammelt habe. Ein paar der Tipps werden Sie mit Sicherheit schon...
La vita può riservarti novità che mai avresti pensato di vivere... anche nei momenti più dolorosi e inaspettati. Alexandra, giovane donna di 22 anni, crede nell’amore e ancora di più nel suo matrimonio...
Line Larsen is fresh out of college and working for a law company. Despite the nonchalant attitude of her boss, Line becomes engrossed in the first case she encounters, that of the suspected murderer,...
Still struggling with amnesia, Ella questions everything she's known about Kayden Wilkens--the alluring stranger who claims to have found her unconscious in an alleyway. But was he truly a stranger--or...
Passion burns fiercely hot between Ella Ferguson and Kayden Wilkens, the man who held secrets and lies in his hands, and then allowed them to fall into hers. But even though he has become her anchor--helping...
„Ich bin Fräulein Darlington und das ist mein Partner Herr Milow-Gandell. Gemeinsam unterhalten wir das Frachtunternehmen Darlington & Milow Air Cargo.” Menschen, Waren und vielerlei Dinge machen...
In diesem Buch habe ich all meine großen und auch kleinen Spartipps rund um die Themen Freizeit und Garten aufgeschrieben, die ich in den letzten Jahren gesammelt habe. Ein paar der Tipps werden Sie...
Sammelander ist ein kleiner Salamander, der gerne Dinge sammelt. Schöne Dinge, Glitzerdinge, Sachen, die ihm gefallen. Eines Tages bricht er auf, um neue Sachen zu finden. Er trifft viele Tiere und...
Life gets more serious for Line Larsen, as she juggles her private life, her ever-changing work life and a case investigating her boss' infidelities for her latest client, and his wife, Heidi Hansen.Kenneth...
A collection of nineteen short stories depicting the impact of a pandemic amongst a diverse group of people around the globe, written during #NaNoWriMo in November 2020
Why is it that when a woman tries to do her best and make the so called "right choices" in life and love, she finds she has somehow managed to do it all wrong? Maybe youth and inexperience are her stumbling...
A autora desta obra usou de toda a sua experiência como esposa e mãe católica para criar um manual que possa colaborar na criação de um filho na fé católica nos dias de hoje, tendo Deus, a família e os...
O livro O professor de Matemática e a sala de aula virtual lança um novo olhar sobre a formação continuada de professores de Matemática, que são os que interpretam e desenvolvem o currículo de acordo...
This is the story of how a stray cat born into the wild is saved from her life of poverty. Tabitha tells her tale of survival which is filled with both joy and sadness. We follow Tabitha from her birth...
"Once upon a time, there was a rose that blossomed in the day... and loved at night."Let the poetry in this book unravel your thoughts and ignite your imagination. Words have the power to heal, to mesmerize,...
"You have been my sun and my moon for so long, I do not know where you begin and I end..."Prepare yourself for a romantic poetry compilation that will carefully unlace the stitching around your heart...
In thirteenth-century Moorish Spain, the realm of Granada is in crisis. The union of Fatima, granddaughter of the Sultan of Granada, with the Sultan’s nephew Faraj has fractured the nation. A bitter...
SULTANA: In thirteenth-century Moorish Spain, the realm of Granada is in crisis. The union of Fatima, granddaughter of the Sultan of Granada, with the Sultan’s nephew Faraj has fractured the nation....
In thirteenth-century Moorish Spain, the Sultanate of Granada faces a bleak future, as a tyrant seizes control. Fatima, the daughter of a Sultan, and her devoted husband Faraj have enjoyed years of peace...
Love united them. Destiny drove them apart. When Avicia, a Norman noblewoman, makes a careless but costly mistake with a prized falcon, the brutal punishment nearly claims her life. Her Saxon lover,...
In fourteenth-century Spain, former friends vie for a man's heart and the future of his kingdom. Both women are captives sold into the harem of Sultan Yusuf I of Moorish Granada. A young girl with a...
Love is for women who have choices. She has none. In eleventh-century France on the eve of the First Crusade, Isabel de Vermandois becomes the wife of a man old enough to be her father. He is Robert...
Anira und Tamon gehen ihren Leben aus unterschiedlichen Gründen aus dem Weg. Anira hat gelernt, sich aus Angst vor ihren Gaben zu verstecken. Tamon hat von den Regeln seiner Fraktion, den Naturalen, die...
Tyler Hawk. A man who seems to have it all, except her. Bella. Beautiful, rebellious Bella. His employee. His best friend's sister. Now his father is dead and the future of the family empire depends on...
Un musicista metal dal volto dipinto, una prostituta non più giovane, un bambino muto che suona il djembe, una sposina, un galeotto, un professore-inventore, una giovane suora mancata, un nerd, un nonno...
Primeiro livro da série Sultana Na Espanha moura do Século XIII, o reino de Granada está em crise. O casamento de Fátima, neta do sultão de Granada, com o neto do sultão, Faraj, dividiu a nação. Uma...
Libro 1 della serie: La sultana Tredicesimo Secolo. Nella Spagna dei Mori il regno di Granada è in crisi: l’unione di Fatima, nipote del Sultano, con il principe Faraj ha diviso la nazione, portando...
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