Raised in the Pacific Northwest, Lori Borrill moved to the Bay Area shortly after high school and has been a transplant Californian ever since. By day, she's a data analyst and when she's not working or writing, she's at the baseball field playing proud parent to her teenage son with her husband of more than 20 years. She's also the collector of hobbies and loves gardening, photography, scrapbooking and cooking. For more information, visit her website at www.LoriBorrill.com.
« Laisse-moi te faire l’amour, ma beauté… »Le souffle court, Margaux sent s’envoler le peu de raison qui lui reste ; n’écoutant plus que le désir qui gronde en elle, elle se blottit en gémissant contre le corps chaud et musclé de Clint. Un scénario qui n’est pas prévu dans le contrat...
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