Luis G. Serrano is a research scientist in quantum artificial intelligence at Zapata Computing. He has worked previously as a Machine Learning Engineer at Google, as a Lead Artificial Intelligence Educator at Apple, and as the Head of Content in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science at Udacity. Luis has a PhD in mathematics from the University of Michigan, a bachelor’s and master’s in mathematics from the University of Waterloo, and worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the Laboratoire de Combinatoire et d’Informatique Mathématique at the University of Quebec at Montreal. Luis maintains a popular YouTube channel about machine learning with over 75,000 subscribers and over 3 million views, and is a frequent speaker at artificial intelligence and data science conferences.
Cuando mueran los Reyes es la historia de Francisco, un niño de diez años que vive una vida normal con sus padres, dentro de un mundo normal: dentro de una España normal. Es la crónica de un chico cuyo único sueño es convertirse en Rey de España. Un Rey que acabe con las disputas...
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