Lynda Sandoval is a former police officer turned fiction writer with fourteen adult books to her credit. Her first book for teens, Who's Your Daddy?, won the National Readers' Choice Award for young adult fiction from Romance Writers of America and was a finalist for the Colorado Book Award. When Lynda is procrastinating, she loves to quilt, hike, garden, make jewelry, bid obsessively on eBay, and read everything she can get her hands on. She lives in Denver with the world's coolest cairn terrier, Smidgey.
Quinto de la serie. Colleen Delaney nunca había podido olvidar la noche en la que Eric Nelson y ella pasaron de ser amigos a amantes. Pero eso había ocurrido hacía años y ahora el irresistible abogado había vuelto a su vida como representante de la parte contraria en el caso más...
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