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Madeline Miller - Books and biography

Madeline Miller is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of two novels: The Song of Achilles, which won the Orange Women’s Prize for Fiction 2012, and Circe, which was short-listed for the Women’s Prize for Fiction 2019. Her books have been translated into over thirty two languages. Miller holds an MA in Classics from Brown University, studied in the Dramaturgy department at Yale School of Drama, where she focused on the adaptation of classical texts to modern forms, and taught Latin, Greek, and Shakespeare to high school students for over a decade.

AdN Alianza de Novelas

Roman contemporain

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La canción de Aquiles (AdN)

Released on March 4, 2021
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De la autora de Circe, una epopeya inolvidableGrecia en la era de los héroes. Patroclo, un príncipe joven y torpe, ha sido exiliado al reino de Ftía, donde vive a la sombra del rey Peleo y su hijo divino, Aquiles.Aquiles, el mejor de los griegos, es todo lo que no es Patroclo: fuerte,... See more

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