Mara Freeman has studied British and Celtic sacred traditions and mythology for more than 40 years. She has given workshops and lectures and presented at conferences throughout the U.S. and the U.K. since the 1990s. Initiated in the Western Mystery tradition, she is the founder and director of the Avalon Mystery School. A psychologist and astrologer, she has a private practice in spiritual counseling and also leads retreats and pilgrimages in Britain and Ireland. She is the author of Kindling the Celtic Spirit and lives in West Wales.
Ce livre est conçu comme un almanach, mois par mois, Mara Freeman ravive l'esprit celtique, décrivant les fêtes celtiques qui sont pour la plupart à l'origine des fêtes chrétiennes. Présentant des contes, des légendes, des chroniques - dont de très poétiques extraits sont cités -...
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