En las páginas de esta famosa novela de terror de Margaret Oliphant, los lectores encontrarán las claves del miedo: un ambiente tenebroso, muchas preguntas y fenómenos que parecen no tener explicación.
Una novela extraordinaria de una gran escritora victoriana La anciana Catherine Vernon es la figura dominante de la pequeña localidad inglesa de Redborough. Ha logrado abrirse paso en un mundo de hombres...
Lady William written by Scottish novelist and historical writer Margaret Oliphant. This book is one of many works by her. It has already Published in 1894. Now republish in ebook format. We believe this...
IT was an old manor-house, not a deserted convent, as you might suppose by the name. The conventual buildings from which no doubt the place had taken its name, had dropped away, bit by bit, leaving nothing...
It was the most exciting event which had ever occurred in the family, and everything was affected by it. Imagine to yourselves such a young family, all in the very heyday of life, parents and children...
The Ways of Life: Two Stories written by Margaret Oliphant who was a Scottish novelist and historical writer. This book was published in 1897. And now republish in ebook format. We believe this work is...
Old Mr. Tredgold written by Margaret Oliphant who was a Scottish novelist and historical writer. This book was published in 1895. And now republish in ebook format. We believe this work is culturally...
A House in Bloomsbury written by Margaret Oliphant who was a Scottish novelist and historical writer. This book was published in 1894. And now republish in ebook format. We believe this work is culturally...
The Unjust Steward or The Minister's Debt written by Margaret Oliphant who was a Scottish novelist and historical writer. This book was published in 1896. And now republish in ebook format. We believe...
Miss Marjoribanks by Margaret Oliphant Miss Marjoribanks is an 1866 novel by Margaret Oliphant. It was first published in serialised form in Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine from February 1865. It follows...
Margaret Oliphant (1828-1897) was a Scottish novelist and historical writer, who usually wrote as Mrs. Oliphant.
Miss Marjoribanks is an 1866 novel by Margaret Oliphant. It was first published in serialised form in Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine from February 1865. It follows the exploits of its heroine, Lucilla...
Hester: A Story of Contemporary Life is an 1883 novel written by Margaret Oliphant. It examines the cycle of history through the lives of the Vernon family. The book was published in three separate volumes...
C’est moi, Martin Dupin (de la Clairière), qui avais l’honneur d’être maire de Semur, en Haute-Bourgogne, à l’époque où se sont passés les événements que j’entreprends de raconter et que j’ai pu suivre...
Mortimer è un padre che ha portato la sua famiglia a vivere in un vecchio maniero scozzese. Un giorno, nelle vecchie rovine abbandonate di fianco alla casa, suo figlio inizia a sentire delle voci misteriose...
Quest'anno i festeggiamenti di Natale nella casa di campagna dei Daintrey sono miti e contenuti, smorzati dalla tristezza per la recente morte del figlio maggiore di Sir Robert e Lady Beresford. Sono...
Una stanza nascosta all'interno di un misterioso castello dalla forma tentacolare; una ragazza bellissima, apparsa dal nulla e impossibile da toccare; uno spirito misterioso che si manifesta nelle rovine...
Nessuno sa quando sia iniziata di preciso la leggenda della stanza segreta nel castello di Gowrie, eppure tutti la conoscono. Dopotutto, vista la forma irregolare del castello, le sue grandi dimensioni...
I WAS not aware at first of the many discussions which had gone on about that window. It was almost opposite one of the windows of the large old-fashioned drawing-room of the house in which I spent that...
Though Scottish-born author Margaret Oliphant dabbled in a remarkable number of literary genres over the course of her career, critics and fans alike agree that some of her most abiding contributions...
Hester Margaret Oliphant - Hester is an 1883 novel written by Margaret Oliphant. It examines the cycle of history through the lives of the Vernon family. The book was published in three separate volumes...
Margaret Oliphant's 'Jeanne D'Arc: her life and death' is a meticulously researched and engaging account of the life of the renowned historical figure, Joan of Arc. Written in a compelling narrative style,...
Miss Marjoribanks Margaret Oliphant - Returning home to tend her widowed father Dr Marjoribanks, Lucilla soon launches herself into Carlingford society, aiming to raise the tone with her select Thursday...
Tre racconti che narrano la storia di tre diversi fantasmi. Una presenza enigmatica che infesta il castello di una nobile famiglia, segnandone il destino. Una eterea presenza che si sente ancora molto...
The day was warm, and there was no shade; out of the olive woods which they had left behind, and where all was soft coolness and freshness, they had emerged into a piece of road widened and perfected...
Hester by Margaret Oliphant Hester is an 1883 novel written by Margaret Oliphant. It examines the cycle of history through the lives of the Vernon family. The book was published in three separate volumes...
I KNOW no reason why I should begin my story of the fortunes of the Harleys by a description of my own son. Perhaps it is just because there is no reason whatever that I feel so much disposed to do it—also...
Two Strangers written by Scottish novelist and historical writer Margaret Oliphant. This book is one of many works by her. It has already Published in 1895. Now republish in ebook format. We believe this...
“WE are to see each other no more.” These words were breathed rather than spoken in the dim recess of a window, hidden behind ample curtains, the deep recess in which the window was set leaving room enough...
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