Margarita Karapanou was born in Athens in 1946. One of Greece’s most beloved authors, she was the author of five novels. Her first novel, Kassandra and the Wolf, was translated into four languages, and was originally published in English by Harcourt Brace Jovanovich in 1974. The Sleepwalker has likewise been translated into four languages, and Karapanou’s own French translation of the book, Le Somnambule (Paris: Gallimard, 1987), won the French national prize for the best foreign novel, an honor previously awarded to Lawrence Durrell, Jorge Luis Borges, and Gabriel Garcia Marquez. She died in 2008.
En una isla de Grecia donde los lugareños conviven con un peculiar grupo de artistas extranjeros de repente aparece Manolis: un nuevo mesías enviado por Dios que, cansado y hastiado de la humanidad, decide destinarlo a la tierra para que todas sus criaturas reciban lo que se merecen....
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