Martine Faure-Alderson, D.O., had integrated naturopathy, acupuncture, and homeopathy into her medical practice for 25 years before she began her training in reflexology in the 1960s. She combines all these complementary holistic disciplines in her treatment and diagnoses of patients and in her research and teaching at her Total Reflexology Therapy school in Paris. She also gives seminars throughout the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, England, and Europe. She lives in England.
Le fabuleux trésor de l'humanitéLe cerveau est longtemps resté une terra incognita. Depuis quelques décennies, les découvertes à son sujet se multiplient, et le fonctionnement de cet organe nous est peu à peu dévoilé. Les nouvelles techniques d'imagerie médicale jointes à l'appétit...
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