Ver todos los libros de Mary Rodgers

Mary Rodgers - Libros y biografía

Mary Rodgers was an accomplished author, screenwriter, and composer. She authored Freaky Friday, a book that has sold more than a million copies and has been made into two movies. Mary was the creator of two other novels for young readers, Summer Switch and A Billion for Boris, as well as the music for the musical Once Upon a Mattress. Mary Rodgers lived in New York City until her death in 2014.

Más leídos del autor

Quin dia tan bèstia!

Publicado el 19 de febrero de 2021
6,99 €
IVA incluido
"No us ho creureu, ningú que tingui una mica de seny no s'ho podria creure, però és del tot cert, absolutament cert! Aquest matí, quan m'he despertat, m'he trobat que m'havia convertit en ma mare." L'Annabel té tretze anys, és desordenada i malparlada, no es pentina mai, es menja... Más información

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