Ver todos los libros de Matt Fitzgerald

Matt Fitzgerald - Libros y biografía

Matt Fitzgerald is an acclaimed author of many bestselling books on the subject of sports, including Racing Weight, 80/20 Running, and How Bad Do You Want It? An experienced coach, he cofounded 80/20 Endurance, the world’s most popular online provider of training resources for endurance athletes. He also created and directs Dream Run Camp, a Flagstaff, Arizona–based retreat that enables runners of all abilities to experience the elite-athlete lifestyle. In 2021, he founded the Coaches of Color Initiative, which aims to improve diversity in endurance sports through a comprehensive coaching apprenticeship program.

Racing Weight Series

The Racing Weight Series

Más leídos del autor

Quanto dannatamente lo vuoi?

Quanto dannatamente lo vuoi?

Publicado el 8 de abril de 2016
7,99 €
IVA incluido
Un libro che getta uno sguardo sui momenti epici che caratterizzano gli sport di resistenza per fare emergere le abitudini e le tattiche che possiamo mettere in atto per coltivare la nostra forza mentale. I migliori atleti sembrano possedere abilità divine. Ma non è importate quanto... Más información

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