Meg Gatland-Veness is a high school drama teacher. She attended the University of Newcastle where she studied a Bachelor of Arts and a Bachelor of Secondary Teaching.
Meg has been writing stories for as long as she can remember and reading them even longer. Equal to her love of words is her passion for championing local youths and fostering important conversation about issues facing young Australians.
Meg was born in a tiny country town called Milton and now lives on the Central Coast of New South Wales. When she’s not writing novels, she channels her creativity into choreographing and directing musicals, writing poetry, singing and dancing.
Meg is the author of
I Had Such Friends (2018) and
When Only One (2022).
'I think it was one of us,' Walter says … 'We had the perfect opportunity. Everyone's thinking it, I'm just saying it.'
The last thing Hallie and her drama classmates expect to find on a high school scavenger hunt is a dead body. In a town with a population of about thirty-six,...
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