View all books by Meg Mason

Meg Mason - Books and biography

Meg Mason is a journalist whose career began at the Financial Times and the Times of London. Her work has since appeared in Vogue, Elle, the Sydney Morning Herald, the Sunday Times (UK), and the New Yorker’s Daily Shouts. Born in New Zealand, she now lives in Sydney, Australia, with her husband and two daughters. 



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Alegrías y desventuras de Martha Friel

Alegrías y desventuras de Martha Friel

From Meg Mason
Released on October 13, 2021
VAT included
Todo el mundo dice que Martha Friel es inteligente y guapa, una escritora brillante que siempre ha sido amada durante toda su vida adulta por un hombre, su marido Patrick. Un regalo que, según su madre, no todo el mundo tiene. Entonces, ¿por qué todo se ha roto en pedazos? ¿Por qué... See more

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