Mehdi Hasan is an award-winning British-American journalist, anchor and author. Hasan is the host of The Mehdi Hasan Show, which airs on both MSNBC and NBC’s streaming channel Peacock. He has interviewed everyone from General Michael Flynn and Erik Prince, to Bernie Sanders and AOC, to John Legend. Hasan is a former columnist and podcaster at The Intercept, and his op-eds have also appeared in The New York Times and TheWashington Post. In Britain he was formerly the political editor of The New Statesman. Win Every Argument is his second book.
Presenta tus ideas de manera efectiva y conviértete en un líder persuasivoMehdi Hasan no es de esas personas que rehúyen las discusiones. Al contrario, le apasionan y se enzarza en ellas siempre que puede. Para él, los debates racionales tienen un valor intrínseco: son la savia de...
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