Ver todos los libros de Melanie Leavey

Melanie Leavey - Libros y biografía

Melanie....or, just Mel, if you an indie author of urban fantasy and magical realism. Her stories are written around themes of place, belonging and ecofeminism.  She believes that stories ought to serve as both comfort and escapism and should, above all other things, restore our belief in wonder and delight.

When she's not writing stories, she's also a gardener, herbalist, compulsive exclaimer and bookworm. She's an aspiring hermit, loves all-things-analogue and is happiest when drinking excess quantities of tea while thumbing through the latest David Austin rose catalogue.

She blogs about all of the above mentioned things plus other oddments and miscellany at her website....

A Tale of Glencarragh - Book One of the Sea Glass Trilogy

A Tale of Glencarragh

Tales of Glencarragh

Tales of Winkle Village

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The House in the Hedge

The House in the Hedge

Publicado el 23 de mayo de 2024
4,99 €
IVA incluido
A failed marriage. A nervous breakdown. And now there's a faerie at the bottom of the garden. Forty year old Hazel Price wants a simple, quiet life. Burned-out and broken-hearted, she returns to the village of Winkle, home of idyllic childhood summers and her beloved Nan. Moving... Más información

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