Michael Gobran is one of the most respected management experts in Europe and North America. He focuses on developing corporate strategies and corporate cultures.
Achieving goals and attaining success has always been important to him, but he has been particularly impacted by crises. Navigating a crisis has taught him that the key for success always lies within our thinking. This is especially true when dealing with challenges and difficulties. The battle between powerlessness and hope, and between fear and confidence, is taking place right in our minds.That is why MINDSET has become his life's theme and motto. How do we establish a way of thinking that is helpful and not obstructive? How can we really make the best out of every situation, identify opportunities for growth, and emerge from our challenges more empowered, more confident and more successful?
Das Unfassbare ist passiert - und plötzlich merken wir, wie Angst und Ohnmacht uns immer stärker beherrschen wollen.
Das ist der Corona-Effekt. Es ist ein Effekt, den wir immer
dann erleben, wenn sich von einer Sekunde auf die nächste
unser Leben verändert. Plötzlich befinden...
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