Michael Morris works as a cultural psychologist at Columbia University in its graduate Business School and its Department of Psychology. Previously he taught for a decade at Stanford University. Morris received his PhD in psychology from the University of Michigan after earning undergraduate degrees in cognitive science and English literature at Brown University. His research has discovered cultural influences on styles of cognition, communication, and collaboration, as well as situational factors that cue them and social experiences that shift them. Outside of academia, Professor Morris advises corporations, government agencies, NGOs, and political campaigns about culture-related issues. He lives in New York City.
En este libro, una vez más, el periodista, el investigador más extremo, Michael Morris revela numerosas
conexiones nuevas y saca a la luz hechos hasta
ahora desconocidos sobre los instigadores y sus
planes. Revela quiénes son Joe Biden y Kamala
Harris realmente. Da la oportunidad...
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