Pantalla :
In the bustling streets of Naples, a cunning rogue named Scapin weaves a web of deceit and trickery. With his quick wit and audacious schemes, he outmaneuvers greedy creditors, overbearing fathers, and...
In the vibrant tapestry of 17th-century France, Molière's "Psyche" weaves a captivating tale of love, deception, and the transformative power of the human soul. Psyche, a beautiful princess, is chosen...
In the heart of 17th century Paris, Molière's "The School for Husbands" unfolds as a witty and satirical comedy. Ariste, a cunning guardian, devises an elaborate scheme to control his two young wards,...
Arg. Three and two make five, and five make ten, and ten make twenty. "Item, on the 24th, a small, insinuative clyster, preparative and gentle, to soften, moisten, and refresh the bowels of Mr. Argan."...
This play was acted for the first time on September 9, 1668. In it, Molière has borrowed from Plautus, and has imitated several other authors, but he far surpasses them in the treatment of his subject....
Tartuffe ou l'imposteur (Tartuffe or the Imposter) is the most important play by Molière, the greatest French playwright. Considered the ultimate satire of court society, where propriety, etiquette was...
Tartufo ou l'imposteur é uma das peças mais famosas de Molière. Ainda hoje actual, relata a experiência trágica de um homem de bom coração que acolhe em sua casa um homem de grande aura. No entanto, este...
Tartuffe ou l'imposteur on yksi Molièren tunnetuimmista näytelmistä. Se on yhä ajankohtainen, ja se kertoo hyväsydämisen miehen traagisesta kokemuksesta, kun hän toivottaa kotiinsa tervetulleeksi suuren...
Tartuffe oder der Betrüger ist eines der bekanntesten Theaterstücke von Molière. Es handelt von der tragischen Erfahrung eines gutherzigen Mannes, der einen Kirchenmann mit einer großen Aura bei sich...
Tartuffe ou l'imposteur er et af Molières mest berømte skuespil. Det er stadig aktuelt i dag og fortæller om den tragiske oplevelse af en godhjertet mand, der tager imod en mand af klædedragten med en...
Tartuffe ou l'Imposteur est l'une des pièces les plus connues de Molière. Considéré comme la satire ultime de la société de cour, de l'étiquette c'est-à-dire la bienséance tirée à son paroxysme pour s'attirer...
Tartuffe ou l'imposteur is een van de beroemdste toneelstukken van Molière. Het is nog steeds actueel en vertelt de tragische ervaring van een goedhartige man die een man van stand met een grote uitstraling...
Comédie: Par son étourderie ou sa maladresse, Lélie fait échouer onze machinations successives que son serviteur Mascarille, fourbum imperator, a imaginées pour lui assurer la possession de Célie, une...
Molière's Tartuffe is a satire of life in which the beloved and the human race are faced with the cunning of an impostor, who is only after the good fortune and good providence of others. What is the...
L'oeuvre Tartuffe de Molière est une satire de la vie où l'aimé et l'humanité peut faire face à la ruse d'un imposteur, qui n'en veut qu'à la fortune et la bonne Providence d'autrui. Entre charité et...
Molières Tartuffe är en satir över livet där den älskade och mänskligheten konfronteras med en bedragares list, som bara är ute efter andras lycka och goda försyn. Vad är det rätta valet mellan välgörenhet...
Il Tartufo di Molière è una satira della vita in cui l'amato e il genere umano si trovano di fronte all'astuzia di un impostore, che cerca solo la fortuna e la buona sorte degli altri. Qual è la scelta...
Molière's 'Don Garcia of Navarre; Or, the Jealous Prince. A Heroic Comedy in Five Acts' is a comedic play that satirizes the concept of jealousy and honor in the aristocratic society of 17th century Europe....
Molière's comedic play, The Jealousy of le Barbouillé (La Jalousie du Barbouillé), is a masterful exploration of jealousy and its consequences in a light-hearted and entertaining manner. Set in a traditional...
Molière's 'Amphitryon' is a comedic play that explores the theme of mistaken identity and deception. Set in Ancient Greece, the play follows the story of Jupiter, who disguises himself as the general...
Molière's 'Amphitryon' is a classic French comedy play that examines the themes of mistaken identities and adultery. Written in the 17th century, the play is known for its witty humor, clever wordplay,...
Molière's 'Don Garcia of Navarre; Or, the Jealous Prince. A Heroic Comedy in Five Acts' is a classic example of French neoclassical comedy. The play follows the story of Don Garcia, a prince consumed...
In Molière's comedic play 'The Countess of Escarbagnas', the audience is transported into the world of social climbing and absurdity. The play follows the titular character, the Countess of Escarbagnas,...
Molière's play 'The Countess of Escarbagnas' presents a delightful comedy of manners set in the French aristocracy. Written in the 17th century, the play showcases Molière's signature wit and satire,...
Harpagão é um velho odioso, pão-duro e mesquinho. Sua avareza beira o ridículo: dizem que já processou na justiça o gato do vizinho por ter comido o resto de um pernil de carneiro. E beira também a sordidez:...
Molière's 'The Impostures of Scapin' is a comedic play that explores the theme of deception and scheming. Set in 17th century France, the play follows the antics of Scapin, a cunning servant who uses...
Molière's 'The Miser' is a comedic play that delves into the themes of greed, deception, and the consequences of obsession with wealth. Written in the classical French comedic style known as 'comédie-ballet,'...
Amostras da genialidade de Molière: O Tartufo nos apresenta Orgon, devoto religioso que se deixa impressionar pelas supostas virtudes do personagem-título; Dom Juan não se limita a explorar as fragilidades...
Orgon's family is up in arms because Orgon and his mother have fallen under the influence of Tartuffe, a pious fraud (and a vagrant prior to Orgon's help). Tartuffe pretends to be pious and to speak with...
QUESTO LIBRO È A LAYOUT FISSO Arpagone è un vecchio incredibilmente avaro, ossessionato dal timore di essere derubato. I suoi figli, Elisa e Cleante, si aiuteranno a vicenda nella speranza di veder coronati...
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