In a future scarred by environmental negligence, humanity's gaze turns skyward. A faint cosmic whisper, a message from the distant world of Akashdeep, pierces the silence. Project Akashdeep, a beacon...
In the vibrant chaos of New York City, a love story blossoms between two unlikely souls.Ethan, a high-powered businessman with a structured life, finds himself drawn to the free spirit and artistic passion...
System Glitch: A Digital Odyssey into the UnknownPrepare to be transported to a world where reality and simulation collide in System Glitch. This gripping story follows a young protagonist who finds themself...
In the heart of America's industrial jungle, a chorus of voices rises, demanding change.Jurgis Rudkus, a Lithuanian laborer, finds himself trapped in the relentless toil of Packingtown, Illinois. Amidst...
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