Najwa Zebian is a Lebanese Canadian activist, author, speaker and educator. Her search for a home was central to her early years as she struggled to find her place in the world. She became a teacher and a doctoral candidate in educational leadership. As Najwa began to write in an effort to connect with and heal her first students, a group of young refugees, she found that she was also writing to heal herself. The author of three collections of poetry, she delivered the TEDx talk 'Finding Home Through Poetry' and recently launched a digital school, Soul Academy, and a podcast, Stories of the Soul. Her work has been featured in the New York Times, Glamour, Elle Canada, HuffPost and more.
Un viaje emocional para comprender que el hogar que necesitamos construir se encuentra en nuestro interior. La celebrada poetisa y conferenciante Najwa Zebian nos presenta en esta obra una auténtica guía de curación emocional, una celebración de la autoestima, el poder personal,...
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