Natasha Oakley began writing as a “creative displacement activity” when her fifth child started sleeping through the night. 60,000 words later she'd created some fantastic characters and a book with no plot at all! Terrible though it was, an ambition was born – she wanted to be an author. Since Natasha always loved a happy ending, it was easy to decide to write romances! She lives in Bedfordshire with her family. Visit Natasha’s website at:
La vida no había tratado bien a Pollyanna, que siempre tenía que estar a disposición de los demás. Por eso, cuando viajó al desierto con el magnífico jeque Rashid, le pareció un sueño.Carisma. Poder. Peligro. En apenas días, Rashid cambió por completo el mundo de Polly. Rashid no...
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