Nico Menzel is a writer, consultant and athlete. Since facing major
adversity in his early life, he found purpose in redirecting science and philosophy into lessons for the modern age. His focus areas include resilience, wellbeing studies and peak performance. Menzel holds a B.S. in Psychology, a B.A. in International Studies and a M.S. in Business Management from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. He is also an international track athlete in the sprintevents
where we won multiple accolades on the collegiate and national level in Germany. He currently works in consulting where he shares his vision of a resilient workspace and teaches foundations of a life in resilience & wellbeing.
Life is bizarre. What makes it meaningful is not floating along the smooth seas, but being able
to look back and say I weathered the rough ones. Unfortunately, only after people have gone
through devastating storms do they realize how tragedy can indeed turn into transformation....
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