When a mysterious woman named Emily Haines approaches Gertie and Edna Simmons, claiming that the stray cat that they have been taking care of is hers, the couple decides to give the woman back her feline...
Wilkins a conservative soldier gets the shock of her life upon her first meeting with Johnson, an overly liberal journalist from San Antonio. Johnson is blunt, loud, and kind of cute but nevertheless,...
When Julie Cumberland's friend, Gia, tells her that she is being stalked, Julie agrees to help her find more information about the culprit so they can catch him in the act. However, as Julie looks deeper...
Before becoming members of Jems and Jamz, Spike Bianchi and Jemma Rodriguez were just two lost individuals, trying to find their way in life. Find out how one trip to Texas changed the course of their...
When Nick O'Reilly is invited to Sherlock Lake by his friend Danny, he is more than apprehensive. Nick is familiar with the ghost story that surrounds that place, and he is not one to meddle with situations...
Darla Andersen doesn't know what she is going to do with her summer off of college. While others have planned extravagant vacations, she is stuck in Lakeville, the city she grew up in, but when a random...
Lorsqu'une inondation frappe Grant's Landing, Jack est l'un des premiers à réagir en faisant venir son entreprise de construction en ville pour reconstruire des maisons. La ville souffre d'un manque d'approvisionnement,...
Blake Young est l'un des meilleurs cavaliers de taureaux que Melville ait vu depuis des années. Lorsqu'elle finit par tomber d'un taureau lors de l'une des plus grandes compétitions de sa carrière, elle...
The Flood Between UsWhen a flood hits Grant's Landing, Jack is one of the first to respond by bringing her construction company to the town to rebuild houses. The town is suffering from lack of supplies,...
Taton has spent the last five years dedicated to improving an invention that will help people deal with stress. She came up with the concept in order to deal with the guilt of her late friend's passing....
After breaking up with her long-term girlfriend, Jai decides to take a break from life and work on a friend of the family's farm. While learning to appreciate herself and the things that she loves again,...
Als Parker Avery Iris Falloney bittet, bei einem Mordfall in Kansas zu helfen, ist sie begeistert, aber als sie Cam Harris, einen örtlichen Polizeidetektiv, der an demselben Fall arbeitet, trifft, prallen...
After their experience at Grandma Potter's farm, Jai and Sam think that their lives will be simple, but when a local student from their hometown goes missing, chaos arises. It's up to Sam and Jai to find...
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