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Nikolaï Leskov - Books and biography

Nikolai Leskov was born in 1831 in the village of Gorokhovo in Russia. He began his writing career as a journalist living in Kiev, and later settled in St. Petersburg. He published his first piece of fiction in 1862 in The Northern Bee, and continued on to write and publish many short stories and novellas, including The Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk (1865), The Sealed Angel (1873), The Enchanted Wanderer (1873), and Lefty(1882). He died in February 1895.

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Lady MacBeth de Mentsk

Lady MacBeth de Mentsk

Released on October 18, 2015
VAT included
Admirado por Tolstói, Gorki y Thomas Mann, entre otros, Nikolái Leskov, además de uno de los maestros de la literatura rusa del XIX, parece encarnar la esencia del narrador; a su poderosa imaginación se une un lenguaje muy bello, consecuencia de su excepcional dominio del ruso. Esta... See more

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