Pantalla :
THE INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLING AUTHOR ‘The most successful novelist on Planet Earth’ Washington Post Hyattown had changed very little in the years Vanessa Sexton had been away. In some...
AVAILABLE DIGITALLY FOR THE FIRST TIMEJillian Baron is determined to make the Utopia ranch work - both for herself and to justify her grandfather's trust in her. But inheriting the ranch also means inheriting...
'Come to America. Your home is with me now.'For lonely but spirited orphan Adelia 'Dee' Cunnane, her uncle's invitation is a dream come true. And so she leaves her home in Ireland to work for him in Maryland,...
AVAILABLE DIGITALLY FOR THE FIRST TIMEThe last thing NYPD Sergeant James Sladerman needs is to babysit a spoiled heiress. But Jessica Winslow's antiques shop is suspected of being used by an international...
'On the shield, one of seven forged in the timeless past to hold back the dark, fell a single drop of blood. So the shield weakened, and the dark, spider-patient, waited as the decades passed, and the...
Viele Frauen sprechen immer wieder von dem Wunsch einer Trennung, setzen es aber nie in die Tat um. Ringen um eine Entscheidung über die Beendigung oder Weiterführung ihrer Partnerschaft. Viele meinen,...
Der Albtraum ihres Überfalls in Frankfurt war für Lisa Martensen aufgeklärt. Lisa begann mit der Aufarbeitung der Ereignisse mit Hilfe ihrer Therapeutin Inga Wolter in Kiel. In Klara, ihrer Freundin aus...
Sind Sie bereit, in die entzückende Welt des Havanesers einzutauchen, einer Hunderasse, die mit ihrem überschwänglichen Charme und ihrer ansteckenden Lebensfreude die Herzen im Sturm erobert? Traumrasse:...
This sweet variation of Pride and Prejudice has Our Dear Couple as you've never seen them before... Elizabeth Bennet has always been content with her life in Meryton, but a surprising invitation to spend...
Les Annales Akashiques sont une immense bibliothèque. Elle est invisible et remplie d informations sur nos passés, notre présent et nos potentiels futurs. Bien que d'habitude elles ne représentent aucun...
Two young women murdered in their homes, one of them in 1963 and the other in 2003.The same families are connected to each crime. The Vances are the old money white family in Piedmont, North Carolina....
The true story of murder and injustice . . . On Christmas Eve, 1963, a young woman is murdered in her apartment in Chapel Hill, NC. Her husband is accused and his search for justice lasts two years and...
When Kellah Mace's parents are killed in an accident—when Kellah is fifteen years old—she overhears someone say, "She'll go through life knowing the worst thing has already happened." Kellah, numb from...
Neste poderoso kit, Nora Roberts - autora best-seller do New York Times - explora diferentes narrativas para nos contar eletrizantes histórias de amor, suspense, assassinato e loucura. Um sinal dos céusEm Um...
Selbstbewusst und stark durch Ihre Weiblichkeit!So ist die Frau, die im Einklang mit den vier inneren Jahreszeiten lebt. Sie hat erkannt, dass ihr Zyklus eine Quelle der Kraft darstellt, und sie nutzt...
Das Buch beschaeftigt sich eingehend mit der Natur des Menschen und der Welt,die er sich durch seinen Eingriff ueber die Jahrhunderte gestaltet hat.Gemeinhin fassen wir unsere Entwicklung als Fortschritt...
Cet ouvrage est une réédition numérique d’un livre paru au XXe siècle, désormais indisponible dans son format d’origine.
Tory Bodeen grew up in a small, rundown house where her father ruled with an iron fist and a leather belt. But she had Hope, who lived in the big house nearby, whose friendship allowed Tory to be the...
Ever since Declan Fitzgerald saw dilapidated Manet Hall, on the outskirts of New Orleans, he's been enchanted - and obsessed - by it. Determined to restore the rooms to their former splendour, Declan...
Premier bilan sur le journalisme soviétique à l'heure de la perestroïka. « Copyright Electre »
Quina edat tindries si només contessis els dies que vas viure de veritat?A vegades la vida ens furta. S'apropa sigil·losament i en un sospir ens fa tornar a començar. Mai s'està preparat, mai es pot preveure,...
Investigacions sorprenents, nous sentiments, en el Clan dels Pura SangEls Pura Sang troben en unes golfes de Les Alzines un diari escrit per una noia de la seva edat que havia viscut allà... fa més de...
Uma nova temporada de Exy está começando! A derrocada dos Corvos e de Riko Moryama pegou o mundo de surpresa, mas o que acontece agora? E, principalmente, como ficam os sobreviventes daquela guerra? Jean...
Mac è grosso il doppio di lui e molto più grande, ma lascerà che Quentin prenda il comando? Quentin sta cercando… qualcosa.Rispetto.Risposte.La sua identità. Soprattutto sta cercando un uomo che lo lasci...
Hagen non voleva essere il Dom di Baxter. Voleva essere il suo Daddy. Il professore d'università Hagen St Croix ha chiuso con la vita da Dom da quando entrambi i suoi ragazzi precedenti lo hanno lasciato....
Quel momento in cui una spettacolare avventura di una notte si rivela essere il tuo sexy nuovo capo più vecchio di te…Brantley Phipps non vuole avere un ragazzo. Con il suo tipo di mestiere le relazioni...
"Slavery's Shadows: Literature of Resistance and Resilience in the 19th Century" offers a concise yet comprehensive exploration of the profound impact of literature on the struggles and triumphs of enslaved...
Nora Roberts - The World's Greatest Storyteller.IN DREAMSDrawn to a castle in the forests of Ireland, a beautiful young woman becomes the link to a stranger's past - and the curse that has trapped him...
Investigacions sorprenents i nous sentiments en el Clan dels Pura Sang.Els Pura Sang estan preocupats pels cavalls que no tenen la sort d'estar ben cuidats. Quan s'assabenten que s'han convocat uns ajuts...
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