The author became a specialist in semiconductor theory through diploma work on electrons and photons in zero-gap semiconductors, through PhD with net recombination rate theory and band structure in lead chalcogenides and through doctoral thesis on electron transport in semiconducting microstructures in the presence of strong electric and magnetic fields. A trilogy 'Nucleosynthesis in thin layers', ‘Fractal zeta universe and cosmic-ray-charge- cloud superfluid’, ‘The sensitive balance’ continues his IT-freelance work (1993-2004) on computer algorithms for discrete dynamical systems. As an independent researcher, the author currently publishes on unified fields, algebraic foundations of quantum statistics, one- dimensional chaotic maps and number-theoretic calculations of coupling constants.
The trilogy 'Nucleosynthesis in thin layers', 'Fractal zeta universe and cosmic-ray-charge- cloud superfluid', 'The sensitive balance' describes a fractal zeta universe as a new unified theory of strong, weak, electromagnetic, gravitational, and dark interaction. 'Fractal zeta universe...
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