Pantalla :
Siamo soli nell’Universo? I Governi preferiscono tacere, perché rivelare l’esistenza degli extraterrestri porterebbe il mondo a un cambiamento irreversibile. Ma per chi vive da anni il fenomeno delle...
El relat definitiu de la tragèdia dels Andes, on el lideratge i la capacitat de superació van ser decisius. Si fos ficció, esdevindria inversemblant. Però va ser i és veritat, i tots els supervivents...
N'hi ha prou amb un any de perseverar en la meditació, o amb mig fins i tot, per adonar-se que es pot viure d'una altra manera. La meditació ens ensenya a conviure amb el nostre ésser, esquerda l'estructura...
NYC Detectives Matson and Smith receive the case of Mattie James, once a high-end prostitute, retired and peddling on a street corner, murdered and dumped in an alley. Matson's wife Sissy, whom he had...
The intention of this book is to analyze the north Korean economic structure, ideology and ideals. It also intends to separate fact from fiction and depict only a reality which most of the time is partially...
Bal'am possesses young Luis on a spiritual quest in the Apache Medicine Society whose members embrace oneness with nature.Upon entering Luis, Bal'am begins his reign of terror and destruction. Luis lands...
Sam Westmore killed several people before committing suicide. That, in and of itself, makes for an interesting read, but Protect the Guilty becomes a compelling story when it portrays Sam as a ghost,...
A Cuban family patriarch, late in life, narrates Sour Life, historical fiction surrounding his family's fight to preserve democracy in that Caribbean island nation; their ultimate loss of their beloved...
John Easterling, an experienced investigative reporter for the Chicago Sun-Times, covers the police blotter for the city. He stumbles upon a bizarre case of child murders and mutilations. He isn't restricted...
Be careful what you wish for… In this 5-part anthology, people seek profound physical change but do not fathom the horrors that await them on the journey to realize their dreams. They seek solace by going...
Vanessa Tullera è un'insolita commissaria di polizia: colta, sportiva, mascolina, goffamente lesbica. Dopo aver partecipato insieme al tenente Rosa Caronia, di cui la commissaria è segretamente innamorata,...
Ritorna il commissario Vanessa Tullera, ora questore di polizia, un po' meno mascolina di come era apparsa nel precedente "Bloody Art" (Fernandel, 2006) ma sempre forte e determinata. Vanessa è a Siena...
Può la passione per uno strumento musicale devastare la psiche di un essere umano? La risposta è sì, specie se la passione si trasforma in collezionismo. Pablo Echaurren racconta per filo e per segno...
New York Detectives Matson and Smith, assigned the Chinatown beat, soon find themselves in the midst of mutilations and murders, the nefarious deeds of Ti Chu Cum, leader of a Chinese Mafia-like organization...
Un ragazzo che diventa uomo, un percorso di formazione che prende la spensieratezza e l’incertezza di un diciannovenne e le immerge in una chiamata prepotente alla vita, e alla vita religiosa. Gli ideali...
Venez découvrir La Centaine d'amour, le recueil de Pablo Neruda, grâce à une analyse littéraire de référence. Écrite par un spécialiste universitaire, cette fiche de lecture est recommandée par de nombreux...
Abbiamo bisogno di luce. Siamo in cerca di qualcosa che catturi il nostro sguardo e indirizzi il nostro cammino di vita costellato di ombre e qualche volta immerso nella notte più nera. Abbiamo bisogno...
Founded 2,500 years ago in India, Buddhism is one of the world's most influential religions. It is one of the world's most popular religions. In this religion, there is no supreme deity nor a supreme...
Ancient humans must have found eclipses unnerving and unpredictable. Periodically, they are not easy to understand because of their complex nature. It is both dramatic and transient when a solar eclipse...
With 4 billion hours of video watched each month on YouTube, and 72 hours of video uploaded every minute, YouTube is the world's most popular online video site. As a result of the YouTube platform, people...
Google's search engine has made information and education more accessible by putting accurate and relevant information at our fingertips. People of all backgrounds and socio-economic levels are now able...
The caste system divides Hindus into four main categories - Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and the Shudras. Many believe that the groups originated from Brahma, the Hindu God of creation. The system divides...
Second in size and second in population in the world, Africa is also the second largest. There are 1.1 billion people residing on the continent, spread across 54 different countries. In addition to the...
On the second Sunday of May, Mother's Day offers an opportunity for families to honour their mothers, as well as honour the mothers of their families and the mothers from different cultures. Many places...
The Liberian colony was established in 1822 when freed slaves from the Americas returned to their homeland. A colony then developed into a federation, then a commonwealth, and it achieved independence...
Stars. Massive gaseous bodies that radiate light derived from their internal sources. Only a very small percentage of the trillions of stars that make up the observable universe are visible with the naked...
Jawaharlal Nehru; 1889 – 1964 was an Indian anti-colonial nationalist, profane humanist, social democrat and author who was a central figure in Bharat throughout the twentieth century. He was a principal...
When the Earth's shadow covers the sun's light, which would normally reflect off the moon, a lunar eclipse occurs. Total lunar eclipses, partial lunar eclipses, and penumbral lunar eclipses are the most...
Often perceived as a body that lacks efficacy, very inactive and rampant antisemitic, the United Nations is the first successful attempt that has endured over 75 years to bring nations together and to...
Você toma um comprimidinho para dormir, e, ao acordar, mais outro para suportar o dia que vem pela frente. A vida real, com seus altos e baixos, tem levado muitas pessoas a se medicalizarem sem que os...
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