Ver todos los libros de Paolo Mascherpa

Paolo Mascherpa - Libros y biografía

Paolo Mascherpa was born on the 10th of April 1970 in Pavia.

He works in a bank but has always written with passion. He loves shaping characters, bringing them to life, and creating worlds and adventures.

His curiosity and interest in writing led to him to attend a master's degree in copywriting at IED, and first and second level creative writing courses at the 'Alexander Dumas' school in Milan.

He dreams of making time stand still, so that he will never have to stop writing.

The Incredible Adventures of Sir Cutlet, Knight

Il commissario Minotti

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Il commissario Minotti

Il commissario Minotti

Publicado el 4 de marzo de 2025
4,99 €
IVA incluido
Una piovosa Pavia fa da sfondo al ritorno al lavoro del commissario Minotti dopo una sospensione disciplinare. Francesca indaga su un triplice enigma della camera chiusa. Intuizioni e ingegno la guideranno attraverso l'intricato mistero dai risvolti inaspettati e due fidati viceispettori... Más información

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