Patrick Weekes was born in the San Francisco Bay Area and attended Stanford University, where he received a BA and an MA in English literature. By day he works at BioWare, where he has worked on games in the Dragon Age and Mass Effect series. By night, he is the author of the Rogues of the Republic trilogy; Dragon Age: The Masked Empire, a novel set in the Dragon Age universe; and Feeder. Patrick lives in Edmonton in Alberta, Canada, with his wife Karin, his two Lego-and-video-game-obsessed sons, and far too many rescued animals. In his spare time, he takes on unrealistic Lego-building projects, practices Kenpo Karate, and embarrasses himself in video games. Follow him on Twitter at @PatrickWeekes.
L’imperatrice Celene di Orlais è salita al trono della nazione più potente di Thedas grazie alla sua saggezza e alla sua spietatezza manipolatrice. Ora l’Impero che ha guidato in un’era illuminata è minacciato dall’interno da una guerra imminente tra templari e maghi, mentre la rivolta...
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