Ver todos los libros de Peter Cheyney

Peter Cheyney - Libros y biografía

Reginald Evelyn Peter Southouse Cheyney (1896-1951) was born in Whitechapel in the East End of London. After serving as a lieutenant during the First World War, he worked as a police reporter and freelance investigator until he found success with his first Lemmy Caution novel. In his lifetime Cheyney was a prolific and wildly successful author, selling, in 1946 alone, over 1.5 million copies of his books. His work was also enormously popular in France, and inspired Jean-Luc Godard's character of the same name in his dystopian sci-fi film Alphaville. The master of British noir, in Lemmy Caution Peter Cheyney created the blueprint for the tough-talking, hard-drinking pulp fiction detective.

Lemmy Caution

Murder Room

Dark Series

Slim Callaghan

Smaragd Edition

Série Slim Callaghan



GEŠTINANNA – Narrativa Classica

Liber Liber

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Der eilige Henker

Publicado el 2 de mayo de 2023
7,99 €
IVA incluido
Der eilige Henker ("The Urgent Hangman") ist ein spannender Kriminalroman des englischen Autors Peter Cheyney. In dem Buch geht es um den Detektiv Slim Callaghan, der in einen Fall von Erpressung und Mord verwickelt wird. Eine geheimnisvolle Gruppierung namens "Die Schwarze Hand"... Más información

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